Sebanyak 28 item atau buku ditemukan

Analisis Economico Aplicado a la Industria Petrolera

Analisis economico aplicado a la industria del petroleo, en sus fases de exploracion, produccion, refinacion, transporte y mercadeo. Historia de la industria venezolana. A su tercer siglo continuo de uso global, los hidrocarburos siguen siendo hoy dia la fuente energetica mas importante. Por tal motivo, y dada la complejidad de las evaluaciones requeridas para acometer proyectos de esa naturaleza, proponemos un enfoque integral para su mejor comprension, desarrollando una teoria general de orientacion empirica que hemos denominado "Metodologia Envolvente," que considera la interaccion simultanea de tres conceptos fundamentales. En primer lugar, identificamos una instancia que denominamos "fuente de poder," en la cual se detectan las necesidades de ejecucion de proyectos, se evaluan apropiadamente y se proveen de los recursos necesarios, tanto humanos como de orden financiero, logistico, equipamiento, herramientas, materiales y hasta del tipo de energia requerida. En una segunda sala, analizaremos las "condiciones de entorno," que circundan, determinan y permiten la realizacion de proyectos en la industria de los hidrocarburos, tales como los factores geopoliticos y de mercado, los aspectos legislativos, impositivos, organizacionales y otros. El tercer concepto por considerar, de genero matematico, esta constituido por las diferentes tecnicas de avaluo de proyectos de inversion, que integran los fundamentos de ingenieria economica y varios metodos de avaluo de proyectos, aplicables tanto a campos en desarrollo como en areas exploratorias.

De esa manera, la economía y el petróleo se han convertido en dispositivos
fundamentales para el funcionamiento armónico del tejido social en todas sus
manifestaciones modernas... y la sociedad creativa de hoy día, que basa su
poder en ...

Quality Aspects in Spatial Data Mining

Describes the State-of-the-Art in Spatial Data Mining, Focuses on Data Quality Substantial progress has been made toward developing effective techniques for spatial information processing in recent years. This science deals with models of reality in a GIS, however, and not with reality itself. Therefore, spatial information processes are often imprecise, allowing for much interpretation of abstract figures and data. Quality Aspects in Spatial Data Mining introduces practical and theoretical solutions for making sense of the often chaotic and overwhelming amount of concrete data available to researchers. In this cohesive collection of peer-reviewed chapters, field authorities present the latest field advancements and cover such essential areas as data acquisition, geoinformation theory, spatial statistics, and dissemination. Each chapter debuts with an editorial preview of each topic from a conceptual, applied, and methodological point of view, making it easier for researchers to judge which information is most beneficial to their work. Chapters Evolve From Error Propagation and Spatial Statistics to Address Relevant Applications The book advises the use of granular computing as a means of circumventing spatial complexities. This counter-application to traditional computing allows for the calculation of imprecise probabilities – the kind of information that the spatial information systems community wrestles with much of the time. Under the editorial guidance of internationally respected geoinformatics experts, this indispensable volume addresses quality aspects in the entire spatial data mining process, from data acquisition to end user. It also alleviates what is often field researchers’ most daunting task by organizing the wealth of concrete spatial data available into one convenient source, thereby advancing the frontiers of spatial information systems.

In this cohesive collection of peer-reviewed chapters, field authorities present the latest field advancements and cover such essential areas as data acquisition, geoinformation theory, spatial statistics, and dissemination.

Mengapa Orang Pandai Tidak Berhasil Memimpin Perusahaan

The Economics of Animal Health and Production

Annotation. Illustrated with review studies on animal health economics, this book presents information on the most important economic tools applied to livestock, covering both theory and practical applications. Topics covered include gross margin analysis, partial budgeting, investment and financial appraisal and cost-benefit analysis. There are also sections on decision tree analysis, optimisation methods, value chain analysis, new institutional economics, DALYs and a range of policy analysis tools. International experts contribute on important theoretical and practical aspects of animal health and production economics, with global themes on livestock and poverty.

the expected output levels for the inputs displayed, but provide no information on
what would happen to the level of output with a change in any one of the inputs.
Terminology for Production Economics The generalized equation for expressing

Komentar Undang-Undang Tentang Hak Tanggungan atas Tanah Beserta Benda-Benda yang Berkaitan Dengan Tanah

U.U. no. 4 tahun 1996/9 April 1996/L.N. no. 42 & sejarah terbentuknya

Comments on the Indonesian mortgages law of 1996; includes its legislational history.

Comments on the Indonesian mortgages law of 1996; includes its legislational history.

Adobe Photoshop Forensics

Sleuths, Truths, and Fauxtography

Describes the methods and processes used to create a fraudulent photograph using Adobe Photoshop and provides information on detecting a faked image.

Describes the methods and processes used to create a fraudulent photograph using Adobe Photoshop and provides information on detecting a faked image.