Sebanyak 39 item atau buku ditemukan

Prof. Dr. Bambang Tri Cahyono, M.Ec

pejuang pendidikan alternatif

On Professor Bambang Tri Cahyono thoughts on education and distance education in Indonesia.

On Professor Bambang Tri Cahyono thoughts on education and distance education in Indonesia.

Predicting the Impact of an Electronic Health Record on Practice Patterns Using Computational Modeling and Simulation

A computational model representing the practice patterns of providers (lab, radiology, medications, patient days, ECGs, Echos, and respiratory care ordered) treating heart failure patients in a community hospital was constructed using Arena a commercially available software tool. The training model was validated (no significant difference at the p

By simply using two terms to define the same diagnosis, complexity has
increased nearly eight-fold. ... is one method hospitals have recently turned to in
an effort to optimize workflow in complex systems (Pro-Model Solutions web site,

News International and Phone-Hacking

Eleventh Report of Session 2010-12, Vol. 1: Report, Together with Formal Minutes

This report concentrates on the issue of whether witnesses have previously misled a select committee of the House of Commons over the extent and knowledge of phone-hacking. The Committee concludes that several individuals misled the Committee in 2009 and more recently, and that the News of the World and News International corporately misled the Committee about the true nature and extent of the internal investigations they carried out into phone-hacking, made statements that were not fully truthful, and withheld documents. The companies' directors - including Rupert Murdoch and James Murdoch - should be prepared to take responsibility for these failings. The Committee reports its findings for the House of Commons to decide whether a contempt has been committed and, if so, what punishment should be imposed.

In the last decade, the Committee's predecessors have conducted three separate
inquiries into press standards, taking a special interest in privacy. In the last
Parliament, as part of the most recent of the three Reports—Press standards,
privacy ...

Ulama Indonesia dimata dunia

Telepon dan Telex dari UNDP Besoknya tanggal sembilan belas, saya terima
telepon dari UNDP via Bu Amelia (Puteri Jenderal TNI Anumerta Ahmad Yani)
sebagai sekretaris Direktur UNDP. Rapat Dewan Pimpinan Harian MUI
Mengingat ...

Sistem Politik Indocina 1945-1990

Anda mencari literatur mata kuliah Sistem Politik Indocina tapi bahasa asing semua??Susah cari literatur yang berbahasa Indonesia?? jangan khawatir kini telah hadir ebook Sistem Politik Indocina, 1945-1990. buku ini membahas tentang sejarah politik Indocina (Vietnam, Kamboja dan Laos), termasuk Birma (sekarang Myanmar). Selain itu, buku ini juga membahas tentang masalah-masalah politik di Vietnam, Kamboja, dan Myanmar pada Dasawarsa 1970 sd 1990-an. [Penerbit Deepublish, Deepublish, Politik, Drs. Muhammad Resky, M.Si.]

Susah cari literatur yang berbahasa Indonesia?? jangan khawatir kini telah hadir ebook Sistem Politik Indocina, 1945-1990. buku ini membahas tentang sejarah politik Indocina (Vietnam, Kamboja dan Laos), termasuk Birma (sekarang Myanmar).

Dasar Mikrokontroler Atmega8535 dengan CAVR

Bab yang di bahas dalam buku ini antara lain, pengantar mikrokontroler sistem bilang, mikroprosesor Atmega8535, sistem minimum dan downloader, code vision AVR (CAVR) dan AVR OSP II, input output Atmega8535, aplikasi penundaan (delay), menampilkan karakter ke LCD, interupt eksternal Atmega8535, timer/counter, ADC (analog to didtal converter).

Bab yang di bahas dalam buku ini antara lain, pengantar mikrokontroler sistem bilang, mikroprosesor Atmega8535, sistem minimum dan downloader, code vision AVR (CAVR) dan AVR OSP II, input output Atmega8535, aplikasi penundaan (delay), ...

Metode Rasulullah saw dalam Mendidik

Rasulullah saw adalah tokoh yang memiliki banyak peran. Ia adalah seorang pemimpin umat, komandan perang, referensi bagi umat, hakim untuk menyelesaikan berbagai sengketa, suami bagi isteri-isterinya, ayah dari anak-anaknya dan seterusnya. Semua peran tersebut berhasil dimainkan oleh Rasulullah saw dengan sangat baik. Ini tentu sangat luar biasa. Karena sebagian besar tokoh-tokoh hebat dalam sejarah umat manusia tidak bisa unggul dalam semua peran yang ia emban. Jika berhasil dalam satu peran maka ia gagal di yang lain.

Rasulullah saw adalah tokoh yang memiliki banyak peran.

PDF Explained

Explains the features, components, and applications of PDF documents; demonstrates through text and examples how to create a document; and describes the format's history and software options.

Explains the features, components, and applications of PDF documents; demonstrates through text and examples how to create a document; and describes the format's history and software options.