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Kisah-kisah nyata pelacur dunia yang inspiratif & menggugah jiwa

Kumpulan kisah nyata para pelacur dunia yang memiliki keluhuran dan sifat manusiawi yang luar biasa, seperti misalnya kisah guru Chia yang merelakan hidupnya sebagai pelacur demi keberlangsungan studi anak didiknya, dan kisah Geisha sebagai pengabdi seni sastra, musik, dan tari ketimbang sebagai pelayan seks.

Kumpulan kisah nyata para pelacur dunia yang memiliki keluhuran dan sifat manusiawi yang luar biasa, seperti misalnya kisah guru Chia yang merelakan hidupnya sebagai pelacur demi keberlangsungan studi anak didiknya, dan kisah Geisha sebagai ...

60 Resep Kue Kering Legendaris ala Nila Chandra

Joyce Aswan, penulis buku ini adalah putri pakar boga Nila Chandra yang mewarisi resep legendaris sang ibu. Buku ini memuat 60 resep kue kering tempo dulu yang sebagian besar diajarkan dalam kursus Nila Chandra. Resep terbagi atas dua pilihan rasa: manis dan asin/gurih. Kue kering manis, antara lain: Prunes Cookies, Little Gems, Lidah Kucing, Pina colada Crisp, Kue Kacang Natal, Almond Flakes Cookies, Classic Chocolate Cookies, Madeleine, Kenari Banket, Trinitas, Peppernoten, Orleon Taler, Cherry Praline, Hollandsche Speculaasjes, Vanilla Kipfel, Swedish Fruit Bars, Pindakaas Koekjes, Cigarette Russes, Jelentik Manis, Nastar, Ginger Cookies, Eikeblaadjes a la Minute. Kue kering asin/gurih, antara lain: Cheese Puff, Ebi Cookies, Kaastengels, Onion Garlic Twist, Curry Biscuits, Cheese Twist. Anda dapat mempraktikkan resep kue kering yang dijamin lezat ini, sebagai hidangan spesial bagi keluarga tercinta ataupun bingkisan bagi kerabat di hari istimewa

Joyce Aswan, penulis buku ini adalah putri pakar boga Nila Chandra yang mewarisi resep legendaris sang ibu.

The Babylon Blog

One Man's Journey to the War and Back

Book Sketch Whats it like for a former elementary school principal and seminary student to suddenly end up on the mean streets of Haditha? Volunteering for reserve duty in Iraq, Glen Morris assured his wife that, as a colonel, he would be safe behind the walls of a large base and concerned only about the number of emails in his in-box. But soon he found himself outside the wire and getting a firsthand look at the insurgency in volatile al Anbar province. The Babylon Blog is the published form of the internet journal he wrote for his friends and family. Whether patrolling through back alleys with the Grunts, wandering the halls of Saddams palace, or commenting on the chow at Camp Fallujah, he offers an intimate, thoughtful and often humorous look at what its like for an Average Joe to go off to war. Read The Babylon Blog and get a glimpse of life in Iraq for those who serve there. No Endorsements Bio Sketch Glen Morris is more than just a colonel in the Marine Corps Reserve. While serving as a principal in an inner-city elementary school in San Francisco, he followed the call to a seminary education in preparation for mission work in Asia. Days after graduating, that plan was sidetracked with back-to-back military deployments to Africa and Iraq. An avid traveler, runner and budding surfer, he loves to take photos of the world around him. Glen, his wife Irene, and two young children are now enjoying the suburbs of San Diego while eagerly awaiting Gods next adventure for their lives.

Read The Babylon Blog and get a glimpse of life in Iraq for those who serve there