Sebanyak 85 item atau buku ditemukan

Manajemen pemasaran Parpol menangkan Pemilu 2004

Antara lain tema-tema mengenai strategi korporat, matriks perencanaan porto
folio, analisis kurva pangsa pasar, integrasi pengendalian strategik, strategi
dialog kantor pusat dan divisi, dan sebagainya. Dalam konteks judul buku ini ...

Automatic Generation of Supply Chain Simulation Models from SCOR Based Ontologies

In today's economy of global markets, supply chain networks, supplier/customer relationship management and intense competition; decision makers are faced with a need to perform decision making using tools that do not accommodate the nature of the changing market. This research focuses on developing a methodology that addresses this need. The developed methodology provides supply chain decision makers with a tool to perform efficient decision making in stochastic, dynamic and distributed supply chain environments. The integrated methodology allows for informed decision making in a fast, sharable and easy to use format. The methodology was implemented by developing a stand alone tool that allows users to define a supply chain simulation model using SCOR based ontologies. The ontology includes the supply chain knowledge and the knowledge required to build a simulation model of the supply chain system. A simulation model is generated automatically from the ontology to provide the flexibility to model at various levels of details changing the model structure on the fly. The methodology implementation is demonstrated and evaluated through a retail oriented case study. When comparing the implementation using the developed methodology vs. a "traditional" simulation methodology approach, a significant reduction in definition and execution time was observed.

heuristic rules required to generate a schedule that maximized profit based on
revenue on products sold and a variety of costs. Son, Jones ... In this paper, the
authors present the use of the neutral libraries to generate a model in ProModel.

Modeling, Analysis and Design of Reliable Digital Imaging System

Findings and conclusions. The purpose of this study was to propose soft-test and repair methods for defective pixels in CCD system, thereby realizing more reliable and cost-effective CCD Systems. Various test/repair algorithms are proposed and verified, and BIST/BISR architecture was proposed and the design was verified through verilog HDL simulation. Extensive parametric simulation results are also shown.

CHAPTER 2 CCD Yield Model and Soft-Repair 2.1 Introduction Modern x-ray
imaging systems evolve toward digitization for reduced imaging cost and higher
diagnostic confidence [2]. To provide faster and efficient processing and ...

Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living

"Some things that all sane people ought to know about sex nature and sex functioning; its place in the economy of life, its proper training and righteous exercise." Originally released in 1919.

"Some things that all sane people ought to know about sex nature and sex functioning; its place in the economy of life, its proper training and righteous exercise." Originally released in 1919.

PKn Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

5 6 7 8 9 Pramuka Siaga SVEN GEN Tujuan menjadi anggota pramuka 2 2. Organisasi UKS Pada umumnya setiap sekolah memiliki Usaha Kesehatan. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan untuk SD Kelas 5 87 Pentingnya Organisasi dan Berorganisasi.

Pathology of the Kidney in Dysproteinemia

Pathology of the Kidney in Dysproteinemia is an academic monograph describing in detail the causes and development of structural and functional changes in the human kidney resulting from the deposition of abnormal circulating serum proteins. The material presented was obtained from 147 cases of renal involvement associated with Dysproteinemia encountered in university and community hospital settings. The described entities account for 4.5% of 3.260 biopsies of native kidneys examined over a period of approximately 25 years. While some of the lesions are quite rare, others are relatively common and seen fairly frequently in a reasonably busy renal biopsy service. Together they constitute a group of extremely interesting lesions in terms of immunology, morphology, and pathogenesis. This book should be of interest to pathologists- especially renal pathologists, immunologists, and internists. Both general internists and sub-specialists in nephrology and hematology will find this volume useful, as will medical residents and medical technologists in these various specialties. As a monograph it is user-friendly, since the subject matter is sufficiently circumscribed to permit expanded or detailed visual and textual treatment of specific lesions in a single easy-to-wield volume.

Together they constitute a group of extremely interesting lesions in terms of immunology, morphology, and pathogenesis. This book should be of interest to pathologists- especially renal pathologists, immunologists, and internists.

Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

pelajaran mengenal perbedaan tujuan pembelajaran setelah mempelajari pelajaran ini kalian dapat menyebutkan perbedaan berdasarkan jenis kelamin 1 2 menyebutkan perbedaan agama 3 menyebutkan perbedaan suku 4 menjelaskan arti berbeda beda ...