Sebanyak 32 item atau buku ditemukan

Pemasaran keluaran pertanian

Bab6 Analisis Lanjutan Tentang Harga 6.1 Penentuan harga secara praktikal
Cara bagaimana penentuan harga berdasarkan kuasa-kuasa penawaran dan
permintaan memberikan output dan bagaimana ia berubah telah dikaji dertgan
teliti ...

Be a Moslempreneur : menjasi pengusaha muslim yang sukses dan berkah

Pembinaan pemakaian bahasa Indonesia

Grammar and usage of the Indonesian languange.

Namun demikian, dengan pemrograman kegiatan ini secara regional ataupun
nasional, diharapkan kendala-kendala ini dapat diatasi. Syukurlah kalau
kegiatan demikian dapat diangkat menjadi kegiatan nasional dalam rangka
pelaksanaan ...

Employee involvement and total quality management

practices and results in Fortune 1000 companies

U.S. companies are more competitive, more productive, and create higher quality services and products when their employees are integrally involved in decisions about their jobs, work environment, and the business as a whole. This comprehensive new study presents the first research evidence to support this claim. The study explores trends in the adoption of employee involvement (EI) and total quality management (TQM) programs--programs such as self managing work teams, profit sharing, and job enrichment--over the past three years. Through an analysis of practices at Fortune 1000 service and manufacturing firms, it profiles the types of organizations that typically adopt EI practices, reveals the types programs they choose, and the results these achieve. It describes the organizational and personnel policies that support programs that promote employee involvement and those that prevent them from working. And it describes the successes companies have realized in increased operating effectiveness and as well as improved financial performance.

The study explores trends in the adoption of employee involvement (EI) and total quality management (TQM) programs--programs such as self managing work teams, profit sharing, and job enrichment--over the past three years.