Sebanyak 87 item atau buku ditemukan

Kawruh basa Jawa pepak

rupi-rupi kawruh, kawruh basa, paramasastra, kasusastran, wayang, ugi aksara Jawi

Learning Javanese language grammar.

Learning Javanese language grammar.

Struktur dan fungsi mantra bahasa Aceh

Function and structure of Achinese mantras.

Struktur Diksi Mantra Bahasa Aceh Selain menggunakan bahasa Aceh, mantra
bahasa Aceh juga meng- gunakan kosakata bahasa Arab, Sanskerta, dan
bahasa Indonesia. Peng- gunaan kosakata dimaksud agar ada kesesuaian
bunyi larik ...

Pendidikan Pancasila

perspektif sejarah perjuangan bangsa : dilengkapi dengan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 hasil amandemen

The Early Caliphate

Authoritative and carefully researched history of Islam under the first four righteous Caliphs. Refutes the myth that Islam was spread by the sword. Wonderfully free of all sectarian influences.

Copyright Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at Islam, Lahore, USA First Edition — 1932
USA Edition — 1985 E-book Edition — 2011 ISBN # 13: 978-1-934271-25-4

The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers

In this invaluable book, the basic mathematical properties of the golden ratio and its occurrence in the dimensions of two- and three-dimensional figures with fivefold symmetry are discussed. In addition, the generation of the Fibonacci series and generalized Fibonacci series and their relationship to the golden ratio are presented. These concepts are applied to algorithms for searching and function minimization. The Fibonacci sequence is viewed as a one-dimensional aperiodic, lattice and these ideas are extended to two- and three-dimensional Penrose tilings and the concept of incommensurate projections. The structural properties of aperiodic crystals and the growth of certain biological organisms are described in terms of Fibonacci sequences. Contents: Basic Properties of the Golden Ratio; Geometric Problems in Two Dimensions; Geometric Problems in Three Dimensions; Fibonacci Numbers; Lucas Numbers and Generalized Fibonacci Numbers; Continued Fractions and Rational Approximants; Generalized Fibonacci Representation Theorems; Optimal Spacing and Search Algorithms; Commensurate and Incommensurate Projections; Penrose Tilings; Quasicrystallography; Biological Applications; Construction of the Regular Pentagon; The First 100 Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers; Relationships Involving the Golden Ratio and Generalized Fibonacci Numbers. Readership: Applied mathematicians.

In this invaluable book, the basic mathematical properties of the golden ratio and its occurrence in the dimensions of two- and three-dimensional figures with fivefold symmetry are discussed.

Soal jawab praperkahwinan

Namun, jika difikirkan secara logik, bukan mertua sahaja, malah ada juga ibu
bapa ataupun adik beradik sendiri yang sanggup berperlakuan. Soal Jawab 13
Bersedia Meluaskan Hubungan Sosial dengan Keluarga Pasangan Apa yang
perlu ...

Mencari kebenaran objektif dampak sistemik Bank Century

kajian teoretis dan empiris : salahkah rekomendasi Boediono? patutkah Sri Mulyani dicopot?

Study on financial failures of Bank Century.

Hal ini mengingat analisis tersebut mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek makro
ekonomi dan keuangan yang cermat, iktikad ... Melalui lembaga keuangan: low
to medium impact Secara institusi, penutupan bank ini tidak berdampak J
signifikan ...