Sebanyak 87 item atau buku ditemukan

Islam & Jihad

Prejudice Versus Reality

A.G. Noorani provides non-Muslims with the history and understanding of certain basic concepts needed to counteract the recent upsurge of ill-informed prejudice against Muslims not only in the West but also some Third World countries; and for Muslims to see through any tendency to romanticize the crude and un-islamic brutalities of fundamentalists whom he sees as imposters who are misusing the faith as a political weapon.

We are told that we are witnessing a 'clash of civilizations' between a secular, modern 'West' and a backward-looking 'Islam'.This short, accessible book does two things:ú It rebuts the misconceptions about Islam articulated by many ...

Panduan Praktis Menyusun Jobdesc

Banyak perusahaan skala kecil dan menengah belum melakukan penyusunan job description (uraian/deskripsi pekerjaan) secara jelas dalam operasional kesehariannya. Padahal, penyusunan job description yang jelas dan lengkap sangat diperlukan oleh perusahaan dan karyawan. Dari sisi perusahaan, job description yang lengkap akan sangat membantu dalam proses seleksi, training, penilaian kinerja, review organisasi, dan perencanaan kompensasi. Bagi karyawan, berguna sebagai pedoman kerja yang jelas dan dalam melihat peluang karier, baik pada jabatan bersangkutan maupun untuk kemungkinan perpindahan pada jabatan lainnya. Buku ini akan memandu Anda dalam menyusun Job Description untuk berbagai bidang industri. SALAM RAIH ASA SUKSES

Banyak perusahaan skala kecil dan menengah belum melakukan penyusunan job description (uraian/deskripsi pekerjaan) secara jelas dalam operasional kesehariannya.

CRM (customer Relationship Management) for the Common Man

The Essential Guide to Designing and Planning a Successful CRM Strategy for Your Business

This book serves as a business-planning tool for any company. It provides practical, real-world advice and guidance for businesses wanting to implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy. This book does not recommend, compare, or evaluate CRM products, nor does it discuss technical implementations. What?s unique about this book is that it focuses on how to plan for a CRM implementation, rather than just how to do one. This book is designed to meet the needs of businesses who are planning their own CRM strategies and, as a result, improve their revenue results and customer retention. It is also for those professionals in sales management who are involved in their company?s CRM planning so they understand what it takes to engage and train their sales people in this process so they will embrace and use the new systems.

This book does not recommend, compare, or evaluate CRM products, nor does it discuss technical implementations. What?s unique about this book is that it focuses on how to plan for a CRM implementation, rather than just how to do one.