Sebanyak 70 item atau buku ditemukan

Konstruksi Arsitektur 7 ILMU KONSTRUKSI BANGUNAN BAMBU, Pengantar Konstruksi Bambu

Seri konstruksi arsitektur (warna merah tua) dimaksudkan untuk memperdalam
pengetahuan konstruksi berhubungan dengan sistem bentuk struktur, berniatTM
cara konstruksi bangunan dan perlengkapan, ilmu bahan bangunan, mek; teknik,
penggunaan peralatan, fisika bangunan, maupun ilmu ukur tanah. Seri
konstruksi arsitektur 7 ini membahas konstruksi bangunan bambu dei
menggunakan didaktik baru berdasarkan pengertian konstruksi bambu yang
sesu dengan tuntutan ...

Ekonomi kelembagaan

kebocoran ekonomi dan konsep penanggulangannya

vii RINGKASAN EKSKUTIF viii Oleh : Penyunting I Kelembagaan dan Kebocoran
Ekonomi di Indonesia Suatu Tinjauan Ekonomi Makro 1 Oleh: Zamroni 1.

Effective Monitoring and Alerting

For Web Operations

With this practical book, you’ll discover how to catch complications in your distributed system before they develop into costly problems. Based on his extensive experience in systems ops at large technology companies, author Slawek Ligus describes an effective data-driven approach for monitoring and alerting that enables you to maintain high availability and deliver a high quality of service. Learn methods for measuring state changes and data flow in your system, and set up alerts to help you recover quickly from problems when they do arise. If you’re a system operator waging the daily battle to provide the best performance at the lowest cost, this book is for you. Monitor every component of your application stack, from the network to user experience Learn how to draw the right conclusions from the metrics you obtain Develop a robust alerting system that can identify problematic anomalies—without raising false alarms Address system failures by their impact on resource utilization and user experience Plan an alerting configuration that scales with your expanding network Learn how to choose appropriate maintenance times automatically Develop a work environment that fosters flexibility and adaptability

With this practical book, you’ll discover how to catch complications in your distributed system before they develop into costly problems.