Sebanyak 94 item atau buku ditemukan

Peran, masalah, dan prospek bank perkreditan rakyat

Role, problem, and the prospect of loan bank in Indonesia; collection of articles.

Role, problem, and the prospect of loan bank in Indonesia; collection of articles.

Data Mining in Crystallography

Humans have been “manually” extracting patterns from data for centuries, but the increasing volume of data in modern times has called for more automatic approaches. Early methods of identifying patterns in data include Bayes’ theorem (1700s) and Regression analysis (1800s). The proliferation, ubiquity and incre- ing power of computer technology has increased data collection and storage. As data sets have grown in size and complexity, direct hands-on data analysis has - creasingly been augmented with indirect, automatic data processing. Data mining has been developed as the tool for extracting hidden patterns from data, by using computing power and applying new techniques and methodologies for knowledge discovery. This has been aided by other discoveries in computer science, such as Neural networks, Clustering, Genetic algorithms (1950s), Decision trees (1960s) and Support vector machines (1980s). Data mining commonlyinvolves four classes of tasks: • Classi cation: Arranges the data into prede ned groups. For example, an e-mail program might attempt to classify an e-mail as legitimate or spam. Common algorithmsinclude Nearest neighbor,Naive Bayes classi er and Neural network. • Clustering: Is like classi cation but the groups are not prede ned, so the algorithm will try to group similar items together. • Regression: Attempts to nd a function which models the data with the least error. A common method is to use Genetic Programming. • Association rule learning: Searches for relationships between variables. For example, a supermarket might gather data of what each customer buys.

After a brief discussion of application of data mining for optimization of
crystallization conditions for target proteins we show that data mining of structural
fragments of proteins from known structures in the protein data bank (PDB)
significantly ...

175 Science Experiments to Amuse and Amaze Your Friends

Experiments, Tricks, Things to Make

Instructions for 175 experiments, tricks, and creations that illustrate the principles of light, water, movement, and air.

Instructions for 175 experiments, tricks, and creations that illustrate the principles of light, water, movement, and air.

Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia nomor 39 tahun 2007 tentang pengelolaan uang negara/daerah

Collection of Indonesian government and ministerial regulations on central and local financial management.

Collection of Indonesian government and ministerial regulations on central and local financial management.

Penelitian hukum tentang aspek hukum pertanggung jawaban bank terhadap nasabah

Responsibility of banks towards their customers; banking law, Indonesia.

... a . sebesar 20 % dari modal bank atau lembaga keuangan bukan bank untuk fasilitas yang diberikan kepada satu debitur ... Paket Deregulasi Perbankan Tanggal 29 Mei 1993 yang di dalamnya terdapat Surat Keputusan Direksi Bank Indonesia ...


Penulis: Al Fakir Sasetyo dan Bima UKURAN: 19 x 23 ISBN: 978 979 1479 10 3 Kalian pasti tahu bahwa Allah mempunyai banyak nama dan sebutan yang dikenal dengan asmaul husna. Jumlahnya ada 99. Asmaul husna berarti nama-nama, sebutan, atau gelar Allah Swt. yang baik dan agung sesuai dengan sifat-sifat-Nya. Pasti kalian sudah hafal, bukan? Buku ini berisi kisah-kisah yang terinspirasi dari nama-nama Allah yang agung itu. Kisah-kisah tersebut dipilih dan disesuaikan dengan asmaul husna agar anak semakin mencintai Allah dan bertauhid kepada-Nya. Tidak hanya menghafal, buku ini akan membuat anak semakin paham mengenai keesaan dan keagungan Allah. 1. 99 arti nama-nama Allah Swt. yang indah (asmaul husna) 2. Kisah-kisah penuh hikmah yang dapat membangun akhlak islami anak

Penulis: Al Fakir Sasetyo dan Bima UKURAN: 19 x 23 ISBN: 978 979 1479 10 3 Kalian pasti tahu bahwa Allah mempunyai banyak nama dan sebutan yang dikenal dengan asmaul husna.