Sebanyak 104 item atau buku ditemukan

Cepat & Mudah Membuat: Website Keren Dengan Wordpress 3.X

Anda sudah mengenal WordPress atau bahkan sudah memiliki blog di Kalau sudah merasakan mudahnya menggunakan, saatnya Anda mencoba fitur yang lebih lengkap dengan membuat website sendiri menggunakan skrip dari Kita bisa memodifikasi template, menambah plugin, menambah widget yang lebih keren, dan lain-lain. Tidak hanya bisa membuat blog, dengan tampilan dan pengelolaan yang sangat sederhana, bisa juga dijadikan portal berita, toko online, dan lain-lain. Semuanya dibahas di buku ini. Mulai dari menginstal dan mencoba WordPress di komputer sendiri, tip memilih domain & hosting, mengupload dari lokal ke hosting, mengelola website secara online, memodifikasi dan merombak tampilan, menambah aksesoris, dan sebagainya. Dengan pembahasan yang sederhana, Anda bisa membuat website keren tidak lebih dari satu hari. -MediaKita-

Untuk memublikasikan sebuah situs, Anda memerlukan webhosting untuk
menyimpan semua file dan database. Sementara domain diperlukan untuk
memanggil database-database tersebut dan menerjemahkannya ke dalam
halaman web.

Sizing and Selecting Air Pollution Control Systems

This book is designed to acquaint the reader with current regulations and with the necessary information to size air pollution control systems. The material presented should also help enable one to select the appropriate equipment for retrofit or new process control, to prepare specifications to purchase equipment, and to prepare permits for air pollution control systems. Sizing and Selecting Air Pollution Control Systems provides guidance to help those responsible for air pollution control to specify systems which are cost-effective and energy-efficient to meet the needs of their employers and the government. When equipment specifications are properly prepared, they provide for an easier comparison of competitive bids of those devices capable of meeting standards reliably and economically.

All of the door openings in the primary chamber are fully gasketed to control fluid
leakage, and prevent any gaseous emissions. An air distribution system will
provide the required amount of over fire combustion air. The primary chamber will
be ...

Praktik manajemen berbasis Al-Qur'an

(Thaahaa: 59) Artinya, seorang petugas pemasaran dapat mempergunakan
kesempatan hari raya untuk mempromosikan produknya sebagaimana juga
firman Allah di bawah ini, "...Dan hendaklah dikumpulkan manusia pada waktu
matahari sepenggalahan naik." (Thaahaa: 59) Waktu-waktu seperti itu sangat
tepat untuk mendemonstrasikan dan menawarkan produk. Setelah membuat
urutan pemasaran, petugas pemasaran mulai bekerjadan menyebar ke
perwakilan-perwakilan ...

The Extraordinary Guide to Basic Digital Imaging -2nd Edition

A complete and very understandable guide to all the terms, concepts, procedures and techniques that form the basis for a successful and satisfying digital photography experience. Learn about image resolution, file formats and compression, camera scene modes, organizing and preserving your images for posterity and much, much more. Features a detailed exploration of Picasa3, a free yet powerful image editing and digital asset management program from Google that offers a convenient and fully featured hub to accommodate all your imaging needs.

Nevertheless, the technology is pushing the imaging world towards a
convergence and, like it or not, still photographers will increasingly be expected
to shoot video as well. The focus of this volume is the world of stills although the
software ...

Celine Dion's Let's Talk About Love

A Journey to the End of Taste

Non-fans regard Céline Dion as ersatz and plastic, yet to those who love her, no one could be more real, with her impoverished childhood, her (creepy) manager-husband's struggle with cancer, her knack for howling out raw emotion. There's nothing cool about Céline Dion, and nothing clever. That's part of her appeal as an object of love or hatred - with most critics and committed music fans taking pleasure (or at least geeky solace) in their lofty contempt. This book documents Carl Wilson's brave and unprecedented year-long quest to find his inner Céline Dion fan, and explores how we define ourselves in the light of what we call good and bad, what we love and what we hate.

This book documents Carl Wilson's brave and unprecedented year-long quest to find his inner Céline Dion fan, and explores how we define ourselves in the light of what we call good and bad, what we love and what we hate.

Sex and Society in Islam

Birth Control Before the Nineteenth Century

Examines the practice of contraception in Islamic countries during the Middle Ages and analyzes the place of birth control in Islamic society

Examines the practice of contraception in Islamic countries during the Middle Ages and analyzes the place of birth control in Islamic society