Sebanyak 87 item atau buku ditemukan

Queerness in Heavy Metal Music

Metal Bent

While the growing field of scholarship on heavy metal music and its subcultures has produced excellent work on the sounds, scenes, and histories of heavy metal around the world, few works have included a study of gender and sexuality. This cutting-edge volume focuses on queer fans, performers, and spaces within the heavy metal sphere, and demonstrates the importance, pervasiveness, and subcultural significance of queerness to the heavy metal ethos. Heavy metal scholarship has until recently focused almost solely on the roles of heterosexual hypermasculinity and hyperfemininity in fans and performers. The dependence on that narrow dichotomy has limited heavy metal scholarship, resulting in poorly critiqued discussions of gender and sexuality that serve only to underpin the popular imagining of heavy metal as violent, homophobic and inherently masculine. This book queers heavy metal studies, bringing discussions of gender and sexuality in heavy metal out of that poorly theorized dichotomy. In this interdisciplinary work, the author connects new and existing scholarship with a strong ethnographic study of heavy metal’s self-identified queer performers and fans in their own words, thus giving them a voice and offering an original and ground-breaking addition to scholarship on popular music, rock, and queer studies.

D. Jordan Redhawk, a popular author of lesbian romance fiction, published her
book Warlord Metal in 2001. It is the story of Torrin, a heavy metal guitarist, and
Sonny, the sister of a heavy metal band member. The two meet, have a sexual ...

Concise Encyclopedia of Professional Services Marketing

Concise Encyclopedia of Professional Services Marketing provides readers with a detailed account of the concepts and strategies necessary to successfully market professional services and grow a business. Complete with practical information relevant to a wide range of professionals--including accountants, architects, attorneys, consultants, dentists, engineers, and physicians--this guidebook is an indispensable reference for anyone looking to learn the concepts and applications needed to market professional services. In addition to essay-length articles arranged from A to Z, and detailed expositions of both the theories and practical techniques necessary to formulating and executing a successful marketing plan, Concise Encyclopedia of Professional Services Marketing contains an appendix of information on launching a multimedia advertising campaign, with special focus on effective website design and other contemporary media formats. For anyone creating their own business or looking to expand an already existing one, Concise Encyclopedia of Professional Services Marketing is a comprehensive and vital reference.

Exchange in all its forms became the central organizing theory that defined
marketing as a discipline, leading to acceptance of the broadened application of
marketing to professional services such as medical, legal, dental, accounting, etc.

The New Reference Atlas of the World

A New Series of Physical, Political and Historical Maps Compiled from Government Surveys and Exhibiting the Latest Results of Geographical Research

__ 30,652 Gadwal. India ______ 10,195 сапе (Geile), Sweden.. _ . 35,838 Gaia (
Villa Nova. le Gaya), Portugal-___-“ _ _ _ _. . Gainsborough, England-„20,587
Gaissin, Russia .......... 11 Galashicls, Scotland Galata, Turkey ______ 1 Galatina,

Why the Fishermen of Barang Lompo Do Not Conserve

A Socio and Incentive Based Analysis of Coral Reef Fisheries Conservation

An Introduction to 3D AutoCAD

Provides all the information needed to create 3D models with CAD software on a PC under MS-DOS.

Provides all the information needed to create 3D models with CAD software on a PC under MS-DOS.

Perpajakan untuk yayasan dan lembaga nirlaba sejenis

Tax planning for foundation and non-profit organization in Indonesia.

Tax planning for foundation and non-profit organization in Indonesia.

Kisah Teladan 25 Nabi & Rasul

Nabi dan Rasul adalah panutan bagi kehidupan umat muslim. Siapa saja mereka dan bagaimana perjuangan mereka dalam membela agama? Yuk, kita kenali mereka satu per satu dan simak kisah mereka di dalam buku ini. Setiap kisah dilengkapi dengan latihan soal yang akan membantu kita mengingat kembali kisah yang sudah kita baca. Latihan soal ini sekaligus bisa menjadi media belajar bagi para siswa. -Cikal Aksara-

Hikmah Kisah 1. Manusia berencana, tetapi ketentuan Allah-lah yang pasti
terjadi. 2. Allah SWT adalah Maha Esa. Tidak ada yang menyerupai-Nya. 3.
Bersyukur dan menerima ketentuan Allah SWT dengan penuh keikhlasan. 4.
Beriman ...

Total Quality Management in Education

This text has been written for managers in higher education as well as for headteachers and deputy heads in the school sector.;"Total quality management" (TQM) is a philosophy and a methodology that is widely used in business, and increasingly in education, to manage change or other processes. With the pressure for change and quality in education never more acute, this book provides an opportunity for readers in education to acquaint themselves with TQM.;Revised and updated, this edition introduces the key concepts of TQM in the education context. It discusses organizational, leadership and teamwork issues and the tools and techniques of TQM. This text should help educators develop a framework for quality management in their school, college, department or university.

It is instructive to look to the business world for an insight into quality. IBM's
definition puts it simply: 'quality equals customer satisfaction' (Unterberger, 1991).
Alex Trotman, an Executive Vice-President of the Ford Motor Company, has ...


PENULIS:TIM PSIKO MANDIRI UKURAN: 21 X 28; 180BW ISBN: 978 602 8454 49 0 Banyak orang yang menganggap tes TPA dan psikotes sebagai momok menakutkan. Padahal, kedua tes ini memang penting untuk mengukur tingkat kesiapan dan kemampuan seseorang dalam mengemban beban pekerjaan. Untuk itu, persiapan yang baik dan penguasaan materi tes merupakan modal yang harus dimiliki. Dengan rajin berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal yang umum dijumpai dalam TPA dan psikotes, kemungkinan untuk lulus akan jauh lebih besar. Buku ini disajikan secara lengkap dan menyeluruh dengan disertai pembahasan yang mudah dipahami. Selamat berlatih dan salam sukses!

PENULIS:TIM PSIKO MANDIRI UKURAN: 21 X 28; 180BW ISBN: 978 602 8454 49 0 Banyak orang yang menganggap tes TPA dan psikotes sebagai momok menakutkan.