Sebanyak 66 item atau buku ditemukan

Kebijakan dan manajemen privatisasi BUMN/BUMD

Langkah kedua mentransformasikan BUMN baru ke dalam perusahaan terbatas
publik, dengan perubahan perlu yang disyaratkan dalam akuntansi dan
penilaian. Langkah akhir adalah mendaftarkan pada bursa saham Kualalumpur,
setelah ...

Inference, Simulation, Modeling, and Analysis of Complex Networks, with Special Emphasis on Complex Networks in Systems Biology

The review-like Chapters 1, 2, and 4 are intended to convey the co-evolution of network science and the slow but noticeable breakdown of boundaries between disciplines in academia as research and comparison of diverse systems has brought to light the shared properties of these systems. It is the author's hope that theses chapters impart some sense of the remarkable and rapid progress in complex systems research that has led to this unprecedented academic synergy.

Chapter 4: Mathematical and computational modeling in epidemiology: from fully-
mixed models to in-silico network simulation 4.1 Introduction The deep
relationships between the field of epidemiology and the study of complex
systems may, ...

The Time Traveller's Guide to the Future

Prediction and Decision Made Easy

This is a refined version of the I Ching, the ancient Chinese system of prediction for divining the future.;First, one thinks of a question to ask. Eight cards are supplied with the book. Shuffle once and note the number. Repeat these steps once. Remove two cards, shuffle and choose again. There are now three numbers - the key to unlocking the mysteries of one's destiny.;The guide is divided into eight houses - the first number tells which house the prediction can be found. At the start of each house is advice which reflects the overall philosophy of the I Ching. Each house is divided into eight situations - the second number gives one's situation. The text here tells something of the background to one's question.;Lastly, and most important, is the path: in each situation there are six paths - one's path is decided by the third number. Always remember that a good path in a bad situation is better than a bad path in a good situation. The results are an easily understood forecast to the future.

This is a refined version of the I Ching, the ancient Chinese system of prediction for divining the future.;First, one thinks of a question to ask. Eight cards are supplied with the book. Shuffle once and note the number.

On Guerrilla Gardening

A Handbook for Gardening Without Boundaries

An inspirational take on gardening in the 21st century: join the revolution transforming public space into oases of colour and life.

An inspirational take on gardening in the 21st century: join the revolution transforming public space into oases of colour and life.

Sukses SNMPTN 2011: Bahasa Inggris

Materi SNMPTN B. Inggris diulas lengkap, ringkas & fokus; berisi aneka contoh soal & pembahasan secara mendalam dan detail, serta bank soal dari berbagai sumber.

Pengantar. Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah yangtelah memberikan
kekuatan dan mengizinkan kami parapenulisuntuk dapat menyelesaikan
penulisan buku ringkasan Bahasa Inggris ini sehingga dapatdinikmati oleh
pembaca semua.