Sebanyak 87 item atau buku ditemukan

Yuk, Kepoin Bahasa Inggris!

Cas-cis-cus bahasa Inggris tanpa kursus? Emang bisa ya? Bisa banget! Kuncinya cuma satu: rasa ingin tahumu yang besar terhadap bahasa Inggris. Ditambah berbekal buku ini, materi-materi di dalamnya dijamin bisa memuaskan rasa ingin tahumu itu. Setiap bagian selalu diberi contoh kalimat dan dialog percakapan. Sehingga bisa membantumu untuk lebih memahami makna dalam bahasa Inggris. Lalu hasilnya, kamu bisa fasih ngomong dan nulis bahasa Inggris. Ngobrol sama bule? Siapa takut! [Mizan, Bentang, Bfirst, Bahasa, Inggris, Belajar, Asyik, English, Kursus, Indonesia]

punya tujuan mengapa mau bisa berbahasa Inggris? Tahukah kamu bahwa
bahasa Inggris itu dianggap sebagai language of problem solving? Mengapa
begitu? Hal ini disebabkan pada pertemuan internasional yang membahas
masalah ...

Pro Hibernate 3

Pro Hibernate 3 is the first book to offer complete coverage of the open source lightweight Hibernate 3 and its features. Authors Dave Minter and Jeff Linwood discuss the persistence layer and share design tips and best practices. And the duo goes beyond just explaining how to use parts of Hibernate; they probe well beneath the surface, and teach you how to step back and solve problems thoroughly. If you have experience using Java with databases, but lack experience with Hibernate, then this book is ideal for you. Similarly, if you have some familiarity with Hibernate 2 and now want to learn the nuances of version 3, then this book is a wise addition to your library. Table of Contents An Introduction to Hibernate 3 Integrating and Configuring Hibernate Building a Simple Application Using Annotations with Hibernate The Persistence Lifecycle Creating Mappings Querying Objects with Criteria Querying with HQL and SQL Using the Session Design Considerations with Hibernate 3 Events and Interceptors Hibernate Filters Fitting Hibernate into the Existing Environment Upgrading from Hibernate 2

Pro Hibernate 3 is the first book to offer complete coverage of the open source lightweight Hibernate 3 and its features. Authors Dave Minter and Jeff Linwood discuss the persistence layer and share design tips and best practices.

Programming Web Services with SOAP

The web services architecture provides a new way to think about and implement application-to-application integration and interoperability that makes the development platform irrelevant. Two applications, regardless of operating system, programming language, or any other technical implementation detail, communicate using XML messages over open Internet protocols such as HTTP or SMTP. The Simple Open Access Protocol (SOAP) is a specification that details how to encode that information and has become the messaging protocol of choice for Web services.Programming Web Services with SOAP is a detailed guide to using SOAP and other leading web services standards--WSDL (Web Service Description Language), and UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration protocol). You'll learn the concepts of the web services architecture and get practical advice on building and deploying web services in the enterprise.This authoritative book decodes the standards, explaining the concepts and implementation in a clear, concise style. You'll also learn about the major toolkits for building and deploying web services. Examples in Java, Perl, C#, and Visual Basic illustrate the principles. Significant applications developed using Java and Perl on the Apache Tomcat web platform address real issues such as security, debugging, and interoperability.Covered topic areas include: The Web Services Architecture SOAP envelopes, headers, and encodings WSDL and UDDI Writing web services with Apache SOAP and Java Writing web services with Perl's SOAP::Lite Peer-to-peer (P2P) web services Enterprise issues such as authentication, security, and identity Up-and-coming standards projects for web services Programming Web Services with SOAP provides you with all the information on the standards, protocols, and toolkits you'll need to integrate information services with SOAP. You'll find a solid core of information that will help you develop individual Web services or discover new ways to integrate core business processes across an enterprise.

You'll learn the concepts of the web services architecture and get practical advice on building and deploying web services in the enterprise.This authoritative book decodes the standards, explaining the concepts and implementation in a ...

Italian Reform and English Reformations, C.1535-c.1585

This book is the first full-scale study of interactions between Italy's religious reform and English reformations, which were notoriously liable to pick up other people's ideas and run. Anne Overell adopts an inclusive approach, retaining within the group of Italian reformers those spirituali who left the church and those who remained within it, and exploring commitment to reform, whether 'humanist', 'protestant' or 'catholic'. The book is of fundamental importance for those whose work includes revisionist themes of ambiguity, opportunism and interdependence in sixteenth century religious change.

This book is the first full-scale study of interactions between Italy's religious reform and English reformations, which were notoriously liable to pick up other people's ideas and run.

Undang-Undang dan peraturan tentang kepolisian negara Republik Indonesia

Indonesian law and government regulations concerning Indonesian National Police.

Indonesian law and government regulations concerning Indonesian National Police.