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CodeNotes for ASP.NET

CodeNotes provides the most succinct, accurate, and speedy way for a developer to ramp up on a new technology or language. Unlike other programming books, CodeNotes drills down to the core aspects of a technology, focusing on the key elements needed in order to implement it immediately. It is a unique resource for developers, filling the gap between comprehensive manuals and pocket references. CodeNotes for ASP.NET is a revolutionary update to Microsoft’s Active Server Pages. This edition explores how Web applications and Web services can be developed using ASP.NET. The .NET architecture, Base Class Libraries, ASP.NET form designer, Web controls, and cross-page and cross-language debugging are discussed. Scaling ASP.NET to multiple servers, state management, security, and methods of enhancing performance are also covered. This edition of CodeNotes includes: • Real-world examples • “How and Why” and “Bugs and Caveats” sections that provide workarounds and tips on what should be taken advantage of or avoided • “Design Notes” illustrating many of the common use patterns for Java programs • Instructions and classroom-style tutorials throughout from experts Visit for updates, source code templates, access to message boards, and discussion of specific problems with CodeNotes authors and other developers. Join our nonfiction newsletter by sending a blank e-mail to: or visit Every CodeNotes title is written and reviewed by a team of commercial software developers and technology experts. See “About the Authors” at the front of the book for more information. From the Trade Paperback edition.

CodeNotes for ASP.NET is a revolutionary update to Microsoft’s Active Server Pages. This edition explores how Web applications and Web services can be developed using ASP.NET.

Anatomy and the Organization of Knowledge, 1500–1850

Across early modern Europe, the growing scientific practice of dissection prompted new and insightful ideas about the human body. This collection of essays explores the impact of anatomical knowledge on wider issues of learning and culture.

101: 'nella Manzolini inoltre questo ancor più mirabile si deve considerare, che
per prima congiunse due arti tanto dissimili, tanto difficili, anche, ma del tutto
adatte (per non dire indispensabili) a com- piere lavori di tal genere, Scultura e ...

Dari Hukum Makanan tanpa Label Halal hingga Memilih Mazhab yang Cocok.

Islam Q & A

"Apakah boleh menjamak shalat karena terjebak macet saat pulang kantor? " Adakah pilihan lain dalam pelaksanaan kewajiban shalat Jumat? " Bolehkah perempuan Muslimah membuka aurat di depan perempuan non-Muslimah? " Bolehkah kita memakan hewan sembelihan yang pada saat disembelih tidak disebut nama Allah? " Apakah makanan yang tidak ada label halalnya dapat tergolong makanan halal? *** Sejak Gus Nadir-penulis buku ini-tinggal di Australia 18 tahun lalu, santri dan sarjana syariah ini sering mendapat pertanyaan keislaman. Selama belasan tahun itu, kiai muda dengan dua gelar Ph.D. ini sangat menikmati "dialog interaktif" dengan para kolega dan umatnya. Sebuah proses dialog yang mengasyikkan, karena tak jarang jawaban-jawaban yang diberikannya "disanggah" dan disusul dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain. Jadilah, buku ini--yang merupakan rangkuman dialog tersebut--menjadi jawaban Islam yang relevan dan mewakili banyak tantangan serta peristiwa dalam kehidupan Muslim masa kini. [Mizan, Ibadah, Fiqih, Islam, Muda, Indonesia]

“Habib ini konon bertubuh pendek dan berprofesi sebagai tukang kayu. Ia pun
berseru kepada penduduk kota, Ittabi'u man lâ yas-alukum ajran wahum
muhtadûn, ikutilah oleh kalian orang yang tidak mengharapkan imbalan dan
mendapat ...