Sebanyak 56 item atau buku ditemukan

Orang Jujur Tidak Sekolah

?Nilai kamu berapa, Rizki?? tanya Pak Guru. ?Ini Pak, tidak terlalu tinggi,? ujarku singkat sambil memperlihatkan ijazahku. ?Kok, bisa segini, sih? Harusnya kamu SMS saya dulu sebelum UN Matematika.Padahal, malam sebelumnya saya sudah kasih anak-anak kunci jawaban lewat SMS. Yang saya kasih itu umumnya dapat nilai 9,67, lho.? *** Rizki yang awalnya menaruh harapan besar pada sekolah yang mampu mengajarkan banyak hal, seketika patah hati. Hanya karena menolak lembar contekan jawaban ujian yang beredar di kalangan para siswa, Rizky dianggap aneh. Belum lagi gara-gara keterlambatannya membayar SPP setiap bulan, Rizki nyaris menjadi sasaran sindiran para guru tiap pengambilan raport tiba. Diskriminasi yang terjadi berulang kali membuat Rizki mengambil keputusan besar: berhenti dari sekolah. Ia memilih belajar dengan caranya sendiri. Menciptakan sistemnya sendiri. Rizki berlaku layaknya Tarzan, mendobrak pakem dan menemukan cara-cara liar dalam belajar di dunia sesungguhnya! ?Wahyu Aditya, creativepreneur dan penulis Sila ke-6: Kreatif Sampai Mati Benar-benar menciptakan kotak baru (new box): mengubah sekolah yang membelenggu menjadi membebaskan. ?J. Sumardianta, pendidik dan penulis Guru Gokil Murid Unyuÿ Sebuah oasis jika anda mencari contoh nyata mengenai kemurnian niat, kekukuhan integritas, dan semangat melayani dalam memberikan akses pendidikan terbaik bagi teman-teman kita yang kurang mampu dan putus sekolah. ?Widharmika Agung, founder Sekolah bukan sekadar bangunan mewah, melainkan apa yang dapat dipelajari kemudian diaplikasikan untuk berbagai kebaikan. ?Sanny Djohan, CEO PT Kuark Internasional

Nilai kamu berapa, Rizki?? tanya Pak Guru.

Fred's Electric Budgerigar

The story of how an elderly inventor's new project came to disrupt an entire Yorkshire village, with consequences which involved the British Government."I wept with laughter over 'Fred's Electric Budgerigar'. It is extremely funny and beautifully done" - Submissions Editor of a leading publisher

But then, he thought, how on earth could even Fred mess this up? "Fred," he
called, and Fred altered course towards him. "Take these down to the works.
They have to go on today's production run. Make sure that they understand that.
Today's ...

Steps Towards a Unified Basis for Scientific Models and Methods

Culture, in fact, also plays an important role in science which is, per se, a multitude of different cultures. The book attempts to build a bridge across three cultures: mathematical statistics, quantum theory and chemometrical methods. Of course, these three domains should not be taken as equals in any sense. But the book holds the important claim that it is possible to develop a common language which, at least to a certain extent, can create direct links and build bridges. From this point of departure, the book will be of interest to the following three types of scientists OCo statisticians, quantum physicists and chemometricians OCo and in particular, statisticians and physicists who are interested in interdisciplinary research. Written at a level that is accessible to general readers, not only the academics, the book will appeal to graduate students and mathematically educated persons of all disciplines as well as philosophers, pure and applied mathematicians, and the general public. Sample Chapter(s). Chapter 1: The Basic Elements (1,433 KB). Contents: The Basic Elements; Statistical Theory and Practice; Statistical Inference Under Symmetry; The Transition from Statistics to Quantum Theory; Quantum Mechanics from a Statistical Basis; Further Development of Quantum Mechanics; Decisions in Statistics; Multivariate Data Analysis and Statistics; Quantum Mechanics and the Diversity of Concepts. Readership: Graduate students and researchers in the field of statistics and mathematical physics."

8.1 Introduction In recent years there has been a large scientific activity
connected to the development of data-analytic methods which at first sight seem
to have little or no connection to traditional statistics. Some of these methods
have been ...

From Housewives to Environmental Activists: A Cultural Historical Activity Theory Analysis of Learning in a Korean Community-based Organization

Through the CHAT analysis of the community-based learning, finally, I was able to find that it has an important implication for adult education; what people informally learn in everyday life or every place such as the workplace, the home, and the community could be articulated by the connection with the collective activity of human being.

As qualitative research is not a linear but iterative process, moreover, data
analysis is not the last phase of the research process following data collection. “
The process of analysis should not be seen as a distinct stage of research; rather,
it is a ...

Pengantar Studi Fikih Islam

Ilmu fikih adalah satu disiplin ilmu yang sangat penting kedudukannya dalam umat Islam. Fikih termasuk ilmu yang muncul pada awal berkembangnya agama Islam. Secara esensial, fikih sudah ada pada masa Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, walaupun belum menjadi sebuah disiplin ilmu tersendiri. Sebab semua persoalan keagamaan yang muncul waktu itu langsung ditanyakan kepada Rasulullah. Maka seketika itu solusi persoalan langsung teratasi, dengan bersumber pada Al-Qur`an dan sunnah Nabi. Setelah wafatnya Nabi, ilmu fikih mulai muncul, seiring dengan timbulnya permasalahan-permasalahan yang muncul di tengah-tengah umat dan membutuhkan sebuah hukum melalui jalan istinbath. Buku ini bisa dikatakan sebagai buku pengantar sejarah perkembangan fikih Islam, karena isinya membahas perjalanan fikih Islam dari awal, terbentuknya madzhab-madzhab, hingga fikih untuk masa depan. Buku sangat layak dijadikan referensi atau sebagai pengantar dalam mengenal fikih Islam bagi para mahasiswa, pemerhati, dan pegiat hukum Islam. -Pustaka Al-Kautsar-

Dalam bab ini kami ingin menjelaskan bahwa Islam harus memiliki teori nyata
dalam sistem hukum dan menejemen kenegaraan. Teori ini sudah diaplikasikan
dalam bentuk perilaku sepanjang periode Arab-Islam masa lalu. Jadi, secara ...

Pengantar teori probabilita dan analisa statistik

Pada hakekatnja , teknik pengawasan kwalitas barang jang dihasilkan oleh sebuah perusahaan pun di - lakukan dengan jara jang sama . Insinjur perusahaan industri badja jang menghasilkan badja guna konstruksi djembatan ingin sekali ...

Human Factors in Computer Systems

This volume contains chapters by investigators of issues in the human factors of computing systems. Issues include social factors of computing systems, the overall view of the system by users, how users learn about complex systems, the influence of dialogue, menu, and command language structures on user behaviour, and the effectiveness of various kinds of graphical displays. Chapters explore what makes programs and programming complex, and what cognitve structures programmers use to simplify the task and investigate various documentation options.

This volume contains chapters by investigators of issues in the human factors of computing systems.