Sebanyak 101 item atau buku ditemukan

Sistem Informasi Manajemen

  • ISBN 13 : 9797315878
  • Judul : Sistem Informasi Manajemen
  • Pengarang : Tata Sutabri,  
  • Penerbit : ANDI
  • Klasifikasi : 658.403 8 SUT s
  • Call Number : 658.403 8 SUT s TAT s
  • Bahasa : Indonesia
  • Tahun : 2005
  • Halaman : 304
  • Halaman : 304
  • Ketersediaan :
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    (PNJ-002-00003519) Dipinjam sampai 21-08-2017 pada Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa

Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days

Updated with fresh examples, the latest techniques and trends, new success stories, and fresh, practical marketing habits for today’s aspiring guerrillas, this new edition provides marketers with the latest guerrilla marketing tools and tactics. In just 30 chapters and 30 days, famous marketers Jay Conrad Levinson and Al Lautenslager show eager entrepreneurs how to zero in on their marketing goals and maximize their profits. New marketers learn from updated real-life examples and success stories and proven fundamental concepts, and use daily exercises to take their marketing to the next level — ultimately increasing profits, cutting costs, and gaining new customers. Topics detailed in this new edition include proximity marketing, thought leadership, integration of online and offline marketing, speaking and events, direct email, personalization, and implementation. With every step, Levinson and Lautenslager provide thorough action plans to help aspiring guerrillas stay on track, leaving no excuse for anything but success.

Inmy speaking, consulting, and writing, I haveoften saidthat marketing ismadeup
of many thingsallworking together. LittledidI know when Ifirst made thisstatement
that this wasreally away to say that you need an integratedapproach toyour ...

Guerrilla Marketing for Consultants

Breakthrough Tactics for Winning Profitable Clients

Thirteen Guerrilla Marketing Secrets • SECRET 1: SELL YOURSELF FIRST •
REAL ...

Belajar Otodidak Membuat Database Menggunakan MySQL

Essential Business Studies A Level: AS Student Book for AQA

Essential Business Studies features a thematic approach with a vibrant and accessible format to fully engage students. Activities and guidance on exam preparation, summary mindmaps and up-to-date, dynamic case studies are just some of the features helping to deliver the key course content. Whiteboard and Teacher Support CD-ROMs also available.

Assistance given may be system based or human- resource related. ... This type
of management consultant is involved in the provision of software, undertaking
systems analysis and design, implementing computer applications, and making ...

An Introduction to Programming Using Alice 2.2

AN INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING USING ALICE 2.2, SECOND EDITION, provides students with a solid introduction to concepts of programming, logic, and related mathematics through the use of Alice, a proven tool for motivating beginning programmers. This new edition has been fully updated to take advantage of the new movie making, virtual reality, and gaming capabilities of Alice 2.2. All chapters are supported with robust exercise sets and visual diagrams. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

This new edition has been fully updated to take advantage of the new movie making, virtual reality, and gaming capabilities of Alice 2.2. All chapters are supported with robust exercise sets and visual diagrams.

Network Modeling and Simulation

A Practical Perspective

Network Modeling and Simulation is a practical guide to using modeling and simulation to solve real-life problems.

Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures: Threats and Defense Mechanisms

The EC-Council | Press Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Series is comprised of five books covering a broad base of topics in offensive network security, ethical hacking, and network defense and countermeasures. The content of this series is designed to immerse the reader into an interactive environment where they will be shown how to scan, test, hack and secure information systems. With the full series of books, the reader will gain in-depth knowledge and practical experience with essential security systems, and become prepared to succeed on the Certified Ethical Hacker, or C|EH, certification from EC-Council. This certification covers a plethora of offensive security topics ranging from how perimeter defenses work, to scanning and attacking simulated networks. A wide variety of tools, viruses, and malware is presented in this and the other four books, providing a complete understanding of the tactics and tools used by hackers. By gaining a thorough understanding of how hackers operate, an Ethical Hacker will be able to set up strong countermeasures and defensive systems to protect an organization’s critical infrastructure and information. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Since the victim's computer blindly accepts the ARP entry into its ARP table, an
attacker can force the victim's computer into thinking that any IP is related to the
MAC address the victim wants. An attacker can then broadcast his or her fake
ARP ...

Acoustic Territories

Sound Culture and Everyday Life

Acoustic Territories: Sound Culture and Everyday Life offers an expansive reading of auditory life. It provides a careful consideration of the performative dynamics inherent to sound culture and acts of listening, and discusses how auditory studies may illuminate understandings of contemporary society. Combining research on urbanism, popular culture and auditory issues, Acoustic Territories opens up multiple perspectives - it challenges debates surrounding noise pollution and charts an "acoustic politics of space" by unfolding auditory experience as located within larger cultural histories and related ideologies. Brandon LaBelle traces auditory life through a topographic structure: beginning with underground territories, through to the home as a site, and then further, to streets and neighborhoods, and finally to the sky itself. This structure follows sound as it appears in specific auditory designs, as it is mobilized within various cultural projects, and queries how it comes to circulate through everyday life as a medium for social transformation. Acoustic Territories uncovers the embedded tensions and potentiality inherent to sound as it exists in the everyday spaces around us.

Acoustic Territories: Sound Culture and Everyday Life offers an expansive reading of auditory life.