Sebanyak 37 item atau buku ditemukan

Konsep Tuhan, manusia, mistik dalam berbagai kebatinan Jawa

Karenanya, ia banyak mencari petunjuk dan bimbingan tentang kehidupan
spiritual di dalam kitab-kitab Jawa, seperti Wedatama, WulangReh, Wirid Hidayat
Jati, dan sebagainya. Bahkan, ia berpendapat di dalam kitab-kitab Jawa tersebut

Kitab Hadits Pegangan

642 Hadits Sahih Pilihan Beserta Tafsir untuk Pedoman Hidup Muslim Sehari-hari

Untuk pemesanan versi cetak bisa menghubungi SMS/Whatsapp: +62811187416 atau di Dapatkan koleksi e-book kami yang lain di: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ada suatu ungkapan dalam Islam “Seseorang tidak mungkin mencintai Allah tanpa mencintai Rasul-Nya” dan tidak mungkin kita bisa mencintai Rasul-Nya tanpa mengenalnya. Buku Kitab Hadits Pegangan ini merupakan salah satu upaya kami untuk mengajak pembaca lebih mengenal apa yang diajarkan Nabi Muhammad saw kepada umatnya. Buku ini membahas: Bagaimana Wahyu Turun kepada Nabi Suci Muhammad S.a.w., Iman dan Islam, Ilmu, Bersuci, Masjid, Adzan dan Iqamat, Jamaah, Imam, Rukun Shalat, Ibadah Shalat, Shalat Jumat, Shalat Id, Shalat-Shalat Sunnah, Macam-Macam Shalat, Shalat Jenazah, Sedekah dan Zakat, Puasa, Haji dan Umrah, Jihad, Pernikahan, Perceraian, Jual Beli, Pembudidayaan Lahan, Berkaitan dengan Pelayanan, Hutang dan Jaminan, Hadiah, Wasiat dan Warisan, Makanan Dan Minuman, Berdandan, Etika, Negara. Ada 642 Hadits yang terdapat dalam buku ini dan sebanyak 470 hadits merupakan Hadits-hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari. ... the present edition, make it once again accessible to those readers who desire a conspertus of one of the basic compound of Islamic faith — C.E. Bosworth, Professor of Arabic Studies in the University of Manchester, 1977 … saya mengenal karya-karya penulis seperti Islamologi, Tafsir dan Terjemahan Qur’an Suci, dan lainnya yang sangat inspiratif. Saya dukung terbitnya Kitab Hadis Pegangan ke masyarakat — Prof. Dr. Tina Afiatin, Guru Besr Psikologi UGM, 2015

Dr. Tina Afiatin, Guru Besr Psikologi UGM, 2015 Google Play Book:
PiBB8x Google Book: Online Bookstores:
8DsaRV Darul Kutubil Islamiyah Jln Kesehatan IX no 12 ISBN: 978-602-73815-1
-3 ...

Visual Basic 2008 For Dummies

Visual Basic is a favorite programming language, so if you’re new to programming, it’s a great place to start. Visual Basic 2008 For Dummies is the fun and easy way to begin creating applications right away while you get the hang of using the Visual Studio environment. Soon you’ll be building all sorts of useful stuff with VB 2008! This step-by-step guide walks you through a logical series of tasks that build your skills as you get comfortable with .Net terminology, theory, tools, and design principles. You’ll learn how to build an application in four different architectural styles, and you’ll find out how to make your programs validate input and output, make decisions, and protect themselves from security threats. Discover how to: Install the Visual Studio environment Write a VB program Use Web forms, Windows forms, and Web services Establish good programming practices Create class libraries Write secure applications Debug your applications Work with strings and “if-then” statements Iterate with counted and nested loops Pass arguments and get return values Access data with VB.NET Work with the file system using VB You’ll also find great tips for working with the VB user interface, using VB.NET in C# programming, troubleshooting your VB programs, taking your programming to the next level, and more! Once you get your hands on Visual Basic 2008 For Dummies, you’ll be programming like a genius in no time!

Visual Basic 2008 For Dummies is the fun and easy way to begin creating applications right away while you get the hang of using the Visual Studio environment. Soon you’ll be building all sorts of useful stuff with VB 2008!

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Identifies the fastest growing markets, and discusses recession strategies, modern consumers, targeted prospects, technology, and management

Identifies the fastest growing markets, and discusses recession strategies, modern consumers, targeted prospects, technology, and management