Sebanyak 44 item atau buku ditemukan

Tentang Ilmu Pertahanan

Buku Tentang Ilmu Pertahanan menganalisis isu penting tentang pertahanan: manajemen pertahanan, kebijakan pertahanan, kerja sama pertahanan, diplomasi pertahanan, pertahanan dan keamanan dalam negeri, ekonomi pertahanan, strategi pertahanan, geografi pertahanan, intelijen pertahanan, nilai-nilai pertahanan, geopolitik dan sistem pertahanan. Yang menarik ialah ketika penulis mengulas ilmu militer, ilmu dan seni perang, serta perubahan dari institusi 'perang' menjadi 'pertahanan'. Perang dan pertahanan mencakup berbagai disiplin ilmu. Untuk itulah dalam "Kebijakan Pertahanan" yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Pertahanan RI, terdapat istilah 'militer dan nir-militer' atau 'militer-nonmiliter'. Hal tersebut didasarkan adanya perubahan perkembangan lingkungan strategis, perubahan ancaman global, teknologi pernang, dan yang tidak kalah penringnya adalah peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia pertahanan dan juga pengamat militer. Dengan demikian, perang pertahanan-militer–bukan hanya urusan atau kepentingan militer semata, tetapi juga merupakan kepentingan "masyarkat sipil–nir militer"(civil society) untuk mengetahui dan memahaminya–sesuai dengan perkembangan demokrasi atau demokratisasi pada saat ini, yaitu militer sebagai alata negara. oleh karena itu, militer harus tunduk kepada politik negara, karena proses pengambilan keputusan politik negara berada di tangan sipil (pemerintahan dan legislatif)

... Andi Hakim Nasution pada Kata Pengantar dari Buku Filsafat Ilmu: Sebuah
Pengantar Populer dalam karangan Profesor Jujun S. Suriasumantri, yang
menyatakan: ‰...kita sekarang harus berusaha menjadi pencipta ilmu
pengetahuan dan ...

Ensiklopedia Kiamat

Buku ini mengandungi pelbagai informasi mengenai hari kiamat daripada sumber yang jelas, iaitu Al-Quran dan hadith dengan sanad-sanad yang shahih. Buku ini menjelaskan secara ringkas mengenai nama-nama hari kiamat yang terkandung dalam Al-Quran, tanda-tanda sebelum datangnya kiamat, munculnya Dajjal, turunnya Al-Mahdi, peristiwa terjadinya kiamat, pengumpulan manusia di Padang Mahsyar, Mizan, para penghuni Al-A'raaf, As-Sirat sehingga kedatangan manusia ke syurga dan neraka beserta sifatnya.

... AlBukhari dan Muslim merekodkan, pada suatu malam Rasulullah s.a.w.
bangun dan mengatakan: “Bangunkanlah para penghuni kamar, supaya “
Celakalah bangsa Arab akibat satu mereka melaksanakan kejahatan yang
sudah mendekat ...

An Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory

Praise for the Second Edition: "This is quite a well-done book: very tightly organized, better-than-average exposition, and numerous examples, illustrations, and applications." —Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society An ...

Visual Basic 4.0 Internet Programming

Cutting-edge software developer and leading Visual Basic columnist Carl Franklin arms you with the knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques you need to add Internet capabilities to your Windows(r) and Windows NTTM applications and to develop entire Internet utilities, components, and programs. Featuring a series of progressively more sophisticated examples, Visual Basic 4.0 Internet Programming teaches you how to: Use fundamental Internet technologies and protocols, including TCP/IP, Windows Sockets, SMTP, and HTTP Build Internet client programs, including Web, USENET, E-mail, Gopher, and FTP applications Create CGI scripts, forms, and "back end" Web applications Construct OLE-based Internet programs and remote-access Internet database applications Use next-generation Windows Internet technologies, including Microsoft's Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) and Internet Database Connector (IDC) On the CD-ROM you'll find: Plug-in Visual Basic networking components Customizable Internet client programs and browsers for the Web and other protocols Internet database engines Visit our Web site at:

Object-Oriented Design and Programming with C++

Your Hands-On Guide to C++ Programming, with Special Emphasis on Design, Testing, and Reuse

Object-Oriented Design and Programming with C++: Your Hands-On Guide to C++ Programming, with Special Emphasis on Design, Testing, and Reuse provides a list of software engineering principles to guide the software development process. This book presents the fundamentals of the C++ language. Organized into two parts encompassing 10 chapters, this book begins with an overview of C++ and describes object-oriented programming and the history of C++. This text then introduces classes, polymorphism, inheritance, and overloading. Other chapters consider the C++ preprocessor and organization of class libraries. This book discusses as well the scope rules, separate compilation, class libraries, and their organization, exceptions, browsers, and exception handling. The final chapter deals with the design of a moderately complex system that provides file system stimulation. This book is a valuable resource for readers who are reasonably familiar with the C programming language and want to understand the issues in object-oriented programming using C++.

Your Hands-On Guide to C++ Programming, with Special Emphasis on Design,
Testing, and Reuse Ronald Leach ... to discuss the fundamental issues of
software design in C++ (or any object-oriented language)—design, testing and

Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Fundamentals

Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Fundamentals is designed to be used during instructor led training in a eight week course. It is an introductory level textbook intended for new AutoCAD 2013 users. This book covers all the fundamental skills necessary for effectively using AutoCAD and will provide a strong foundation for advancement. This textbook applies the use of AutoCAD as it pertains to mechanical drafting. Knowing how to draw a line in AutoCAD is not the same as understanding which line type is required when creating technical drawings. This text not only provides the necessary information to operate AutoCAD 2013 but also provides the skills to use AutoCAD as a tool to work proficiently as a mechanical drafter or designer.

This text not only provides the necessary information to operate AutoCAD 2013 but also provides the skills to use AutoCAD as a tool to work proficiently as a mechanical drafter or designer.