Sebanyak 43 item atau buku ditemukan

Cyber Hacking

Wars in Virtual Space

Cyber Hacking: Wars in Virtual Space by the editors of Scientific American Cyberspace has certainly transformed the world. From media and communications to banking, an increasing number of daily activities is performed online. We are living digital lifestyles. While this transformation has opened up exciting new frontiers, it also opens the door to security threats undreamed of in previous generations. In this eBook, we peer behind the cyber curtain. First, we look at the hackers—Section 1 discusses who they are, how they work, their motivations and methods. The opening article examines hardware—specifically microprocessors and why they are vulnerable to tampering. Then we turn to the internal attacks, the worms and viruses whose resulting damage ranges from merely inconvenient and attention-getting to expensive and dangerous. In the latter category falls the Stuxnet virus, which attacked Iran's nuclear facilities and is discussed in "Hacking the Lights Out." Section 2 takes a broad look at issues of privacy and the technology used to gather and track personal information. The first article, "The End of Privacy?", analyzes how the definition of privacy has changed, often along generational lines, in the cyber age. With so much personal information volunteered on social networking and other sites, how much privacy can people expect? Most of us leave a trail of data wherever we go, and subsequent articles in this section look at how. On a positive note, Section 3 covers innovative technologies used to secure cyber networks and safeguard information. In particular, "Beyond Fingerprinting" discusses replacing identifiers like user names and passwords with biometrics—behavioral or anatomical markers including but not limited to fingerprints. This, like other technology, is becoming more widespread as inexpensive sensors and microprocessors become available, and the race between the hackers and information security professionals continues.

SophistiCats isa fictional service, but cryptography investigators have shown
howto turn it into fact. Indeed, this pastJanuary, SFEwas used fortherealworld
problem (in Denmark, at least) of setting the pricefor sugar beetcontracts to
betraded ...

Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud Revealed Update

Your Adobe Creative Cloud package includes two components: 1) Online access to Adobe Creative Cloud updates on your CourseMate product, and 2) the CS6 edition of your Adobe book. CourseMate enriches your learning with thorough, chapter-by-chapter summaries of the new Adobe Creative Cloud release. Author-created video introductions cover each chapter's learning objectives, emphasizing their importance for the contemporary design professional. Flashcards, quizzes, and games are also included. Your printed book covers fundamental concepts, starting with the workspace and proceeding logically and intuitively to more advanced topics. Step-by-step tutorials and user-friendly design result in a resource that is comprehensive, clear, and effective. Contact your Learning Consultant to learn more about how CourseMate can enhance the way you teach and your students learn. The online Creative Cloud content updates are for the June 2013 release of Adobe Creative Cloud. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Before Figure 34 Sample Design Project you can be considered for the job, you
need to increase your Photoshop compositing knowledge and experience. You
have decided to teach yourself, using informational sources on the Internet and ...

The Islamic Vision of Development in the Light of Maqasid Al-Shariah

The maqasid al-shari’ah (higher intents and purposes of Islamic Law) have been either directly stated in the Qur’an and the Sunnah or inferred from these by a number of scholars. All of these address the raison d’être of the Shari’ah which, as recognized by almost all the jurists, is to serve the interests of all human beings and to save them from harm. In this paper Dr. Chapra explores the Islamic vision of development in relation to the maqasid al-shari’ah arguing that Islam has emphasized all the ingredients of human well-being, including the human self, faith, intellect, posterity as well as wealth, for society to flourish. For the Muslim world to focus on economic development only may in the short term result in relatively higher rates of growth but in the long-run will lead to a rise in inequities, family disintegration, juvenile delinquency, crime, and social unrest.

Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmu' Fatawa Shaykh al-hlam Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah (Riyadh:
Matabic al-Riyadh. ... Khadimi, Nur al-Din Mukhtar al-, Al-Ijtihad al-Maqdsidi:
Hujjiyyatuhu, Dawdbituhu, Majalatuhu (Riyadh : Maktabah al-Rushd, 2005).
Lehrer ...

Penelitian partisipasi wanita dalam pengambilan keputusan pada keluarga tani di pedesaan Sulawesi Utara

laporan penelitian

Participation of farmers' spouses in family decision-making, Sulawesi Utara Province, Indonesia; research.

Participation of farmers' spouses in family decision-making, Sulawesi Utara Province, Indonesia; research.

Manajemen sumber daya manusia

Development of human resources in Indonesia; papers of seminar.

Dalam bidang ini pihak dunia usaha kiranya berkenan memberikan informasi
mengenai kualifikasi tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkannya , sehingga bagi pihak
lembaga pendidikan akan dapat menyesuaikan kurikulum dan silabus sesuai
dengan ...

Konfrontasi ekonomi dalam bidang ekonomi internasional

2 . kerdjasama internasional ini haruslah didasarkan pada penghormatan
kedaulatan tiap - tiap bangsa , dan saling tidak mentjampuri urusan dalam negeri
masing - masing negara . 3 . tiap - tiap negara berdaulat menentukan dengan
siapa ...

Introduction to Adobe Edge Animate

Adobe® Edge Animate is a new web motion and interaction design tool that allows for the creation of web-based animation and interactivity in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Edge Animate enables users to create animation without writing thousands of lines of code--and its revolutionary interface allows designers to build sophisticated graphics using a simple point-and-click workflow. This ebook is geared toward web and interactive designers who want to put some pop in their web content through animation and interactivity. The exercises and descriptions are easily accessible to anyone and are written for the average designer, but there¹s also plenty here for even the most experienced Flash developer. Readers will learn how to navigate the Edge Animate interface to begin creating web-based animation and interactivity; perform computer-based animation focusing on auto-generation; create simple objects and learn several ways to animate them; use the Text tool to create live text elements within Edge Animate; insert completed animations into a web page; and animate existing HTML pages. This updated version also covers working with actions and symbols, building complex animations and dynamic interactivity, and publishing Edge Animate animations for use in other applications such as eBooks and Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. This book should definitely be your first stop before you launch Edge Animate for the first time.

Jim Maivald. Your Edge Animate animations require several files and at least one
folder to generate the appropriate action. Most of these files are external to the
base HTML file that contains the stage element, and all of them must be ...