Sebanyak 77 item atau buku ditemukan

The Gaia Force Source Book

From the pages of "Grey Legacy," comes the Gaia Force. Everything you wanted to know about this new group of heroes, now at your fingertips. Learn about their story, their powers and their secrets.

From the pages of "Grey Legacy," comes the Gaia Force. Everything you wanted to know about this new group of heroes, now at your fingertips. Learn about their story, their powers and their secrets.

40 Resep Jus Buah Populer

Ungkapan “sakit itu mahal” memang benar pada nyatanya. Untuk itu, jika ingin memiliki tubuh yang kuat awali dengan pola makanan sehat, salah satunya dengan membiasakan mengonsumsi buah. Tapi tahukah Anda jika buah lebih baik dinikmati ketika sudah menjadi sari atau lebih dikenal dengan jus? Itu karena jus lebih mudah diserap tubuh sehingga tidak perlu mengeluarkan banyak tenaga lagi untuk mencerna kerasnya buah. Pencernaan akan lebih nyaman dan yang tidak kalah penting semua buah sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan. Buku ini memuat 40 resep jus buah terpopuler yang dikombinasikan dengan gandum, susu kedelai, kacang hijau, atau yoghurt untuk menambah cita rasa jus yang lezat dan tidak membosankan. Yuk, mulai hidup sehat dengan minum jus dengan menerapkan resep di buku terbitan dari KawanPustaka ini! -KawanPustaka- #SuperEbookDesember

Ungkapan “sakit itu mahal” memang benar pada nyatanya.

The Important Books

Children's Picture Books as Art and Literature

The Important Books takes a look at some of the most significant and talked about authors, illustrators, and titles in the genre, including Maurice Sendak, Margaret Wise Brown, William Joyce, and Chris Van Allsburg. While focusing on those books that are distinguished by some degree of originality in both word and image, the author points out that the importance of picture books is not primarily pedagogical—they are not intended to serve as "dumbed down" versions of young adult or adult novels—and the audience for these great books is not solely children. Because the children's picture book is designed to provide the context for an intimate transaction involving the imaginations of both parent and child, there is a social value to the form that lends a special poignancy to the pleasure it provides.

Williams, Marjery. The Velveteen Rabbit or HowToys Become Real. Illus. William
Nicholson, 1922. OTHER WORKS OF INTEREST Gray, Catherine, and James
Gray. Tammy and the Gigantic Fish. Illus. William Joyce. New York: Harper &
Row, ...

Bilateral Filtering

Theory and Applications

Bilateral filtering is one of the most popular image processing techniques. The bilateral filter is a nonlinear process that can blur an image while respecting strong edges. Its ability to decompose an image into different scales without causing haloes after modification has made it ubiquitous in computational photography applications such as tone mapping, style transfer, relighting, and denoising. Bilateral Filtering: Theory and Applications provides a graphical, intuitive introduction to bilateral filtering, a practical guide for efficient implementation, an overview of its numerous applications, as well as mathematical analysis. This broad and detailed overview covers theoretical and practical issues that will be useful to researchers and software developers.

Bilateral filtering is one of the most popular image processing techniques.

Dampak pembangunan pendidikan sekolah terhadap kehidupan sosial budaya keluarga

Impact of education development on social life in Tahanabang, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Impact of education development on social life in Tahanabang, Jakarta, Indonesia.