Sebanyak 122 item atau buku ditemukan

English in Business Meetings

A Corpus Study of Directives and Lexis in National and International Settings

A comparison of the patterns of use of Business English by native and non-native speakers.

BUSINESS. DISCOURSE. IN. MEETINGS. 9.1 Introduction The analysis of
directives in previous chapters has looked at frequencies and typical patterns of
conventionally indirect directive units. In this chapter directives are analysed ...

Teori dan Teknik Terjemahan

Buku ini adalah rujukan utama bagi kursus terjemahan yang kini diajarkan di pelbagai institusi pengajian tinggi dalam negeri. Disertakan juga panduan menjalankan perkhidmatan penterjemahan secara komersial bagi mereka yang berhasrat menubuhkan biro khidmat terjemahan profesional.

Salah satu fungsi bahasa adalah merakamkan budaya pengguna bahasa itu.
Bahasa adalah ibarat kapal, manakala budaya ialah muatannya. Apabila kapal
masuk ke pelabuhan, maka muatan- nya pun ikut masuk ke pelabuhan.
Perbezaan ...

Managing for Results

Effective Resource Allocation for Public Libraries

"The workforms are designed to enable librarians to identify, collect, and analyze the information needed to correctly allocate resources for library activities. They include step-by-step processes to determine the number of professional staff needed, how to budget for library materials, the amount of space needed for programs, and the type and amount of software and hardware needed for the community served."--BOOK JACKET.

buying services from commercial vendors or bibliographic utilities leasing
employees from a commercial firm contracting for the provision of library services
from another local government unit or from a corporation Although some aspects
of ...

Routledge Handbook of Applied Communication Research

The Routledge Handbook of Applied Communication Research provides a state-of-the-art review of communication scholarship that addresses real-world concerns, issues, and problems. This comprehensive examination of applied communication research, including its foundations, research methods employed, significant issues confronted, important contexts in which such research has been conducted, and overviews of some exemplary programs of applied communication research, shows how such research has and can make a difference in the world and in people’s lives. The sections and chapters in this Handbook: explain what constitutes applied communication scholarship, encompassing a wide range of approaches and clarifying relationships among theoretical perspectives, methodological procedures, and applied practices demonstrate the breadth and depth of applied communication scholarship review and synthesize literature about applied communication areas and topics in coherent, innovative, and pedagogically sound ways set agendas for future applied communication scholarship. Unique to this volume are chapters presenting exemplary programs of applied communication research that demonstrate the principles and practices of such scholarship, written by the scholars who conducted the programs. As an impressive benchmark in the ongoing growth and development of communication scholarship, editors Lawrence R. Frey and Kenneth N. Cissna provide an exceptional resource that will help new and experienced scholars alike to understand, appreciate, and conduct high-quality communication research that can positively affect people’s lives.

Communication scholars, teachers, and practitioners have always been
concerned with understanding and managing significant real-world issues and
problems, starting with the goal of making people better public speakers. In the
last half ...

Théâtre de l'anatomie et corps en spectacle

fondements d'une science de la Renaissance

L'espace de recherche de cet ouvrage porte sur la relation problematique entre la litterature et l'anatomie, ou plus exactement entre l'ecriture et l'acte d'anatomiser. Il s'est agi de savoir comment le texte se nourrit et se transforme au contact de pratiques scientifiques, esthetiques et philosophiques. L'ouvrage presente des parcours createurs multiples, inspires du modele anatomique et essaie de mettre ensemble differentes versions de cette methodologie, nee d'une science precise, celle du corps, devenue instrument de lecture du monde. Les etudes sont regroupees autour de deux axes: d'une part les fondements de l'anatomie en tant que science, d'autre part son developpement, c'est-a-dire les rapports entre cette science renouvelee et l'oeuvre litteraire. Traversant les siecles depuis la Renaissance jusqu'a nos jours, des analyses et des lectures pluridisciplinaires inhabituelles sont proposees autour du paradigme anatomique qui permet de scruter l'ame et son comportement. Cet ouvrage est base sur les etudes presentees par des historiens de la medecine, des philosophes, des specialistes en litterature et en art dramatique, au Colloque International "Theatre de l'anatomie et corps en spectacle, " tenu a Haifa le 17 decembre 2002."

Silicon Literacies

Communication, Innovation and Education in the Electronic Age

Electronic communication is radically altering literacy practices. Silicon Literacies unravels the key features of the new communication order to explore the social, cultural and educational impact of silicon literacy practices. Written by leading international scholars from a range of disciplines, the essays in this collection examine the implications of text produced on a keyboard, visible on a screen and transmitted through a global network of computers. The book covers topics as diverse as role-playing in computer games, the use of graphic symbols in on-screen texts and Internet degree programmes to reveal that being literate is to do with understanding how different modalities combine to create meaning. Recognizing that reading and writing are only part of what people have to learn to be literate, the contributors enhance our understanding of the ways in which the use of new technologies influence, shape and sometimes transform literacy practices.

... imisihle language planning: the case of the English language in Singapore',
inJ. Tan, S. Gopinathan and Wah Kam Ho (eds) Educa6on in Singapore.
Singapore: Prentice Hall, pp. 57-74. Schauh, M. (2000) World Englishes, 19 (2):

Evidentiality and Epistemological Stance

Narrative Retelling

This book explores the discourse pragmatics of reportive evidentiality in Macedonian, Japanese and English through an empirical study of evidential strategies in narrative retelling. The patterns of evidential use (and non-use) found in these languages are attributed to contextual, cultural and grammatical factors that motivate the adoption of an 'epistemological stance' - a concept that owes much to recent trends in Cognitive Linguistics. The patterns of evidential strategies found in the three languages provide a fine illustration of the balancing act between speakers' expressions of their own subjectivity, their motivations to tell a coherent and exciting story, and their motivations to be faithful retellers of someone elses' story. These pressures are further complicated by the grammatical and pragmatic conventions that are particular to each language. Evidentiality and Epistemological Stance: narrative retelling will appeal to those interested in evidentiality, grammar and pragmatics, cross-linguistics discourse analysis, linguistic subjectivity and narrative.

Especie de novela de desventuras, esta narración presenta movimientos
espaciales que correla tan el progresivo padecimiento del (anti-)héroe, quien no
ha -partido en busca de ejercicios que le procuren excelencia o se la confirmen.
Otras ...

Organization development for academic libraries

an evaluation of the management review and analysis program

an evaluation of the management review and analysis program Edward R.
Johnson, Stuart H. Mann. ries, Dec t Review d Improx :.: Office -ies, 197 .eview ai
Dnstruct ge and i vrdner, . lic Libr 18. omenta Manage '75. nd Fre Person i Deve ...

Information systems design methodologies

a feature analysis : Proceedings of the IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on Feature Analysis of Information Systems Design Methodologies, York, U.K., 5-7 July, 1983

Guerrilla Marketing for Writers

100 No-Cost, Low-Cost Weapons for Selling Your Work

Because the battle begins before a book even hits the selves, an author needs every weapon to get ahead of the competition. Guerrilla Marketing for Writers is packed with proven insights and advice, it details 100 ÒClassified secretsÓ that will help autho

You know little or nothing about publishing and promotion. • You want the
recognition and rewards you will earn by becoming a successful author. • You
are writing adult fiction or nonfiction or children's books. Guerrilla marketing is not
new, ...