Sebanyak 181 item atau buku ditemukan

Pendidikan Pancasila Dan Kewarganegaraan

Buku ajar ini di susun guna membantu siswa/siswi Sekolah Menengah Atas dalam kegiatan belajar pembelajaran di sekolah dan juga untuk khalayak ramai sebagai bahan penambah ilmu pengetahuan serta informasi yang semoga bermanfaat.

Buku ajar ini di susun guna membantu siswa/siswi Sekolah Menengah Atas dalam kegiatan belajar pembelajaran di sekolah dan juga untuk khalayak ramai sebagai bahan penambah ilmu pengetahuan serta informasi yang semoga bermanfaat.

Sustainable Competitive Advantage Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia Dalam Dinamika Perdagangan Internasional

Ekonomi kreatif lahir dari sektor industri kreatif. Dalam hal ini setiap negara memiliki kategori ekonomi kreatifnya masing-masing berdasarkan daya kreativitas masyarakatnya. Ekonomi kreatif mampu mengangkat nation branding suatu negara, hal inilah yang dicapai negara dalam memperoleh soft power, karena mampu mengangkat citra bangsa melalui ciri khas negara tersebut, misalnya budaya. Budaya mampu mengangkat keunikan yang tidak dimiliki negara lain akan mendorong ekonomi kreatif sebagai national competitiveness. Pemberdayaan kreativitas manusia akan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Buku Sustainable Competitive Advantage Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia Dalam Dinamika Perdagangan Internasional ini diterbitkan oleh penerbit deepublish dan tersedia juga versi cetaknya.

Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi dan Akuntansi Keuangan

Perspektif Pengembangan Umkm Promosi Ekspor

Merupakan referensi penting tentang pembangunan ekonomi kerakyatan dan pembangunan serta pertumbuhan inklusif di tanah air. Pengembangan dan modernisasi UMKM berperan strategis karena keterlibatan masyarakat luas, bersifat informal, serta menyebar luas ditingkat perdesaan maupun perkotaan, serta memberikan kontribusi signifikan dalam kesempatan kerja dan pendapatan nasional. Buku ini membahas empat aspek strategis dalam pengembangan UMKM berorientasi ekspor yaitu paket kebijakan ekonomi dan investasi UMKM bidang pertanian, standar akuntansi keuangan entitas mikro kecil dan menengah (SAK EMKM), peran BUMN sebagai agregator-konsolidator, dan pemanfaatan fasilitas KURBE dalam mendukung akses permodalan dan peningkatan daya saing ekspor produk UMKM. Keempat aspek penting dan strategis ini memiliki sekuensi dan konektivitas yang baik dalam mendukung tema utama dari buku ini dengan sasaran utama pengembangan UMKM berorientasi ekspor. Keberhasilan pencapaian sasaran pengembangan UMKM akan sangat ditentukan oleh implementasi kebijakan di lapangan, pemahaman dan implementasi sistem akuntansi dan standar pelaporannya, pengembangan model kerjasama BUMN-UMKM yang sinergis dan saling menguntungkan, serta optimalisasi pemanfaatan fasilitas KURBE yang dirancang khusus untuk pengembangan ekspor produk UMKM

Buku ini membahas empat aspek strategis dalam pengembangan UMKM berorientasi ekspor yaitu paket kebijakan ekonomi dan investasi UMKM bidang pertanian, standar akuntansi keuangan entitas mikro kecil dan menengah (SAK EMKM), peran BUMN ...

Empowering the Customer

The Citizen in Public Sector Reform

This publication explores some of these recent strategies based on Commonwealth best practice. It presents, among other things, guidelines on developing clients' charters, setting appropriate standards for public services, and meeting the expectations of the socially deprived.

This publication explores some of these recent strategies based on Commonwealth best practice.

The American Challenge

The World Resists US Liberalism

The rise of the US as a hegemonic power during the twentieth century first pursuing a liberal project of globalization under Clinton and then moving towards greater unilateralism after the election of George W. Bush, is comprehensively described in this much-needed study. Following the invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration became increasingly unpopular at home and abroad. America's power to impose its will declined and rivals were able to take advantage of its weakened state and pursue their own agendas with considerable success. This indispensable book looks at whether policy failure in Iraq and declining US soft and hard power mark the beginning of the end of US hegemony or whether the resilience of America's military and economic foundations will once again prove observers wrong.

2 Greg Sheridan, 'Islamabad key to deadly puzzle', The Australian, 1 2 Aug 2006.
staged a coup. His government then supported Kashmiri and other Contested
Zones The Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Pashtun-istan.

We Are Not Independent Because We Have a Big Brother

Jammu and Kashmir and Role of Pakistan

Pakistani sponsored jihad in Jammu and Kashmir started in 1947; and despite death of tens of thousands of innocent people it has not ended yet. All the signs are that because of Pakistani obsession to capture Kashmir at any cost, this jihad, bloodshed and destruction will continue. Sponsored by United Kashmir Peoples National Party

Pakistani sponsored jihad in Jammu and Kashmir started in 1947; and despite death of tens of thousands of innocent people it has not ended yet.

Kashmir Dispute, Pakistan and the Un Resolutions

It is almost a ritual that the new army chief of Pakistan gives a strong statement against India to assure his people that he is also a brave soldier and is fully prepared to take on India. However, the new army chief of Pakistan, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, in his statement sent two messages. While speaking to his soldiers about line of control violations during a visit to the X Corps Rawalpindi, he said, Each violation of any kind must be responded to with full force in the most effective manner. After assuring his countrymen that he will also be tough with India, he, to the surprise of some, also sent a peace message when he said, The situation at the line of control will hopefully improve soon.

It is almost a ritual that the new army chief of Pakistan gives a strong statement against India to assure his people that he is also a brave soldier and is fully prepared to take on India.

Kashmir Dispute

A Kashmiri perspective - Kashmiri struggle transformed in to Jihad, terrorism and a proxy war

Kashmir dispute has to be seen as human issue, and not as a territorial gain, or a strategic advantage. Like anyone else, I have no solution to this dispute that could be acceptable to all concerned, but I know what is not workable and what will not provide much desired peace and stability in the region: and that is division of the State or its accession to any country. Kashmir dispute should not be used to settle score of the past tragedies or past adventures, for example, to avenge problems of 1965, 1971, 1980s, proxy war or Kargil adventure. Also Kashmir should not be used as a battleground for competing political and religious ideologies, as it is happening on both sides of the divide. Jammu and Kashmir is a multi-religious and multi ethnic former Princely State. All citizens of Jammu and Kashmir - Pundits, Sikhs, Buddhists, Shias, Ismahilies, pro Pakistan, pro India and pro- independence, and others must have equal rights; and we must not target any community for their beliefs. We must put the past behind us and make a new start by inviting pundits and others who were uprooted from their homes because of political, communal and armed conflict back in to their homes and compensate their losses. We must build bridges of confidence and make sincere endeavours to eradicate extremism, violence, religious intolerance and hatred. However, if these war mongers and fanatics are not brought under control then my fear is that they will endanger peace, stability and future of the entire region. So time is running out, and those in position to take appropriate action, must act and act soon.

A Kashmiri Perspective - Kashmiri Struggle Transformed in to Jihad, Terrorism
and a Proxy War Dr Shabir Choudhry ... There is very thin line between a
freedom fighter and a terrorist, yet we actively supported the Kashmiri armed
struggle, ...

Marx's 'Das Kapital' For Beginners

Marx’s 'Das Kapital' cannot be put into a box marked "economics." It is a work of politics, history, economics, philosophy and even in places, literature (yes Marx’s style is that rich and evocative). Marx’s 'Das Kapital' For Beginners is an introduction to the Marxist critique of capitalist production and its consequences for a whole range of social activities such as politics, media, education and religion. 'Das Kapital' is not a critique of a particular capitalist system in a particular country at a particular time. Rather, Marx's aim was to identify the essential features that define capitalism, in whatever country it develops and in whatever historical period. For this reason, 'Das Kapital' is necessarily a fairly general, abstract analysis. As a result, it can be fairly difficult to read and comprehend. At the same time, understanding 'Das Kapital' is crucial for mastering Marx's insights to capitalism. Marx's 'Das Kapital' For Beginners offers an accessible path through Marx's arguments and his key questions: What is commodity? Where does wealth come from? What is value? What happens to work under capitalism? Why is crisis part of capitalism's DNA? And what happens to our consciousness, our very perceptions of reality and our ways of thinking and feeling under capitalism? Understanding and learn from Marx's work has taken on a fresh urgency as questions about the sustainability of the capitalist system in today's global economy intensify.

At the same time, understanding 'Das Kapital' is crucial for mastering Marx's insights to capitalism. Marx's 'Das Kapital' For Beginners offers an accessible path through Marx's arguments and his key questions: What is commodity?

Marx's Das Kapital

A Biography

A critical study of Karl Marx's landmark work, Das Kapital, details the author's two-decade struggle to complete his work and its seminal influence on philosophers, writers, revolutionaries, and others, as well as its impact on the course of twentieth-century history. Reprint.

A critical study of Karl Marx's landmark work, Das Kapital, details the author's two-decade struggle to complete his work and its seminal influence on philosophers, writers, revolutionaries, and others, as well as its impact on the course ...