Sebanyak 193 item atau buku ditemukan

Biar Tahu Jangan Keliru

Hidup kita ini seolah-olahnya tidak sempurna tanpa persoalan. Biasanya, mesti berkaitan agama. Jika tidak tertimpa kita, orang lain yang kena. Meskipun begitu, penyelesaiannya mesti dicari jua. Satu perkara yang perlu sentiasa diambil kira. Bersiap siagalah kita agar tidak terkeliru dengan pandangan yang melampaui pendapat agama. Caranya, berbaliklah pada DIA dengan menghayati ajaran-NYA. Kita suka bertanya. Bersangka-sangka pun apa kurangnya. Ini lumrah kita sebagai manusia. Akal yang dikurniakan kadangkala mereka perkara yang melampaui had sepatutnya. Hati pun sama. Adakala terjentik juga mengangkat ‘tangan’ menyokong si akal yang huru hara. Apa lagi, dosa dan pahala berlumba-lumba menjuarai takhta.

Hidup kita ini seolah-olahnya tidak sempurna tanpa persoalan.

Moving Average Filter for Ripple Current Elmination

In power electronics field concerning power converter applications; current control is becoming one of the key research areas. Typically, in current control applications, the inductor current is shaped to closely follow its reference. This is achieved by regulating the current via current control strategies. The rapid switching of the power semiconductor devices will forms the ripples on the regulated current. In analysis stage, for proper comparison between the regulated current and reference current, it is crucial that the current ripples are eliminated. Common fixed cut-off frequency filter, however, is not suitable in this application due to variable switching frequency nature of some current control techniques. Therefore, in this project, a variable cut-off frequency filtering technique based on numerical algorithm is developed to eliminate the current ripple without destroying the non-ripple data. To verify its performance, the algorithm is tested on several real data of regulated current. Result shows that the algorithm is able to filter the ripple current satisfactorily.

Typically, in current control applications, the inductor current is shaped to closely follow its reference. This is achieved by regulating the current via current control strategies.


sumber daya, inovasi, tenaga listrik, dan potensi ekonomi

Resources, mechanics, etc. of power in Indonesia.

Resources, mechanics, etc. of power in Indonesia.