Sebanyak 51 item atau buku ditemukan

Himpunan Surat Keputusan/Perintah dls. Dari Men/Pangad

Pedjabat2 jang berasal dari sesuatu Direktorat/Inipckte- rat jang diperbantukan/
ditempatkan setjara menetap (te- rus-menerus) sebagai Pimpinan/Kepala Badan
Pelajanan Chusus di Direktorat/Inspektorat lain, tidak diperlzenan- kan ...

Himpunan Surat2 Keputusan/Perintah dls. Dari Men/Pangad

Decisions, orders, etc. of the Indonesian Ministry of the Army.

Pedjabat jang berasal dari sesuatu Direktorat/Inspektorat jang diperbantukan/
ditempatkan setjara menetap (terus-menerus) sebagai Pimpinan/Kepala Badan
Pelajanan Chusus di Direktorat/Inspektorat lain, tidak diperkenankan ...

An appraisal of input-output analysis based on a documentation of the interindustry relations study for 1947

The 1947 input-output program of the Federal Government is thoroughly documented, and the estimates derived from the various models developed during the program are published for the first time. The quality of the estimates is analyzed in terms of the structure and the empirical content of the models, and this analysis is integrated with other important analyses of the input-output method. Finally, it is shown that the effectiveness of a general model of national income formation can be enhanced by incorporation with an input-output model. (Author).

The 1947 input-output program of the Federal Government is thoroughly documented, and the estimates derived from the various models developed during the program are published for the first time.