Sebanyak 95 item atau buku ditemukan

Annual Report of the Secretary General - Organization of American States

regional integration and development institutions, such as the Latin American
Free Trade Association (LAFTA), the Board of the Cartagena Agreement (JUNAC
), the Inter-American School of Public Administration (EIAP), and the Central ...

Cooperation between the Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization and the United Nations Organization

Fourth : It should be fully realised that development does not depend only on
material demands such as capitals and raw materials, but also and above all on
social reform. Social reform is a target of development and an important means

Economic Analysis of Projects

Basic notions of cost-benefit analysis; Derivation of shadow prices; Estimation of shadow prices; Technical derivation of shadow prices.

Basic notions of cost-benefit analysis; Derivation of shadow prices; Estimation of shadow prices; Technical derivation of shadow prices.

Intonation in relation to syntax in bahasa Indonesia

C's utterance in dialogue (3) is declarative. It contains two focuses of information:
minum to drink and kopi coffee. In effect, C proposes to introduce a new focus of
information (minum) and to "revive" A's focus of information (kopi), which has ...