Sebanyak 157 item atau buku ditemukan

Jurus manajemen Indonesia

sistem pengelolaan restoran Minang : sebuah prototipe sistem ekonomi Pancasila

Pemakaian tenaga, pena- nganan keuangan, maupun pengaturan penghasilan
dan peningkatan usaha secara keseluruhan masih belum berubah. Suasana
rumah ma- kan masih seperti apa adanya: pelayan yang sigap, saling bantu,
saling ...

Heidegger on Being and Acting

From Principles to Anarchy

Schurmann's brilliant deconstructionist analysis provides a comprehensive interpretation of Heidegger's thinking from the perspective of the question, What is to be done at the end of metaphysics.

to head an inquiry into what he calls "a non-metaphysical ethics." It is worked out
in constant debate with Heidegger, from whom he gathers various hints at a
nonmetaphysical measure for action. Those hints are love, compassion, and
respect ...

Lembaga dana dan kredit pedesaan

ringkasan seminar

Development of rural credit and fund-raising for villages in Indonesia; summary of a seminar.

Development of rural credit and fund-raising for villages in Indonesia; summary of a seminar.

Consumption coagulopathies

[1496 bis] Kojima (M.), SHIMAMURA (K.), MORI (N.), OKA (K.), NAKAZAWA (M.) :
A histological study on microthrombi in autopsy cases of DIC. Proceedings of an
international symposium, Tokyo, 1981, Editors, T. Abe, M. Yamanaka, 1983, ...