Sebanyak 252 item atau buku ditemukan

Muhammadiyah dan tantangan masa depan

sebuah dialog intelektual

The role of Muhammadiyah, Islamic modern organization and its future prospects related to national development in Indonesia; collection of articles.

Hassan Sadeli tempo hari mengarang Sosiologi untuk Indonesia tetapi tidak
diteruskan. Sekarang dia mengarang buku Ensiklopedi dan ber- hasil sekali.
Saya rasa inilah yang perlu digarap oleh Majelis Pendidikan Tinggi
Muhammadiyah. Bagaimanakah Ilmu Sosial yang cocok untuk Indonesia ?
Misalnya saja orang Barat mengatakan orang yang ingin kembali kepada Al-Qur'
an dan Al-Hadits sebagai kaum fundamentalis. Sedangkan pengcrtian
fundamentalisme di dalam ajaran ...

Morfologi dan sintaksis bahasa Mawasangka

Morphology and syntax of the Mawasangka language, spoken in Kecamatan Gu and Kecamatan Mawasangka, Kabupaten Buton, Sulawesi Tenggara Province.

Morphology and syntax of the Mawasangka language, spoken in Kecamatan Gu and Kecamatan Mawasangka, Kabupaten Buton, Sulawesi Tenggara Province.

Constitutions in Crisis

Political Violence and the Rule of Law

In this compelling study, which unites the fields of constitutional theory and comparative politics, John E. Finn examines how the efforts of two western liberal democracies, the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany, to cope with domestic terrorism threatens their constitutional integrity. Finn argues first that widespread political violence challenges the presuppositions of constitutional authority in any liberal democracy, namely that reason and deliberation, and not passion or will, can be the basis of political community. Terrorism therefore constitutes both a specific type of constitutional emergency and a challenge to the more general enterprise of constitutional maintenance. He then proceeds to review the efforts of the United Kingdom and Germany to control political violence through emergency legislation, and considers to what extent such measures comport with the demands of constitutionalism and the rule of law.

In this compelling study, which unites the fields of constitutional theory and comparative politics, John E. Finn examines how the efforts of two western liberal democracies, the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany, to cope ...

Bunga rampai konsep ekonomi

Economic concept with reference to Indonesia; collection of articles.

Meskipun masih banyak digunakan dalam literatur, tiga terminologi tersebut
kemudian mulai diragukan validitasnya dalam hubungannya dengan
perancangan informasi. Shank menyatakan bahwa konsep serta teknik yang
inheren pada masing-masing peran tersebut secara implisit diasumsikan berlaku
untuk semua perusahaan, meskipun mungkin dalam derajat yang berbeda.
Padahal relevansi dari masing-masing konsep atau teknik bisa berbeda,
tergantung pada konteks ...