Sebanyak 500 item atau buku ditemukan

Understanding Multivariate Research

A Primer For Beginning Social Scientists

Although nearly all major social science departments offer graduate students training in quantitative methods, the typical sequencing of topics generally delays training in regression analysis and other multivariate techniques until a student's second year. William Berry and Mitchell Sanders's Understanding Multivariate Research fills this gap with a concise introduction to regression analysis and other multivariate techniques. Their book is designed to give new graduate students a grasp of multivariate analysis sufficient to understand the basic elements of research relying on such analysis that they must read prior to their formal training in quantitative methods. Berry and Sanders effectively cover the techniques seen most commonly in social science journals--regression (including nonlinear and interactive models), logit, probit, and causal models/path analysis. The authors draw on illustrations from across the social sciences, including political science, sociology, marketing and higher education. All topics are developed without relying on the mathematical language of probability theory and statistical inference. Readers are assumed to have no background in descriptive or inferential statistics, and this makes the book highly accessible to students with no prior graduate course work.

Readers are assumed to have no background in descriptive or inferential statistics, and this makes the book highly accessible to students with no prior graduate course work.

Statistik keuangan pemerintah Propinsi Jawa Tengah dan Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota se Jawa Tengah

Industri , misalnya untuk progam bimbingan dan penyuluhan industri serta program pengembangan dan pengawasan industri , masing - masing dengan sejumlah praktek . Rincian 2 . Pertanian dan Kehutanan , terdiri dari pertanian rakyat ...

English for the New Business World

English for the New Business World is designed for those who are doing a business studies course or are already working in the world of business. It is intended for good intermediate level students and contains some 120 hours of coursework, although the material is also suitable for short courses where higher level learners may opt to do only some of the units. Because of its coverage of the main business themes and its development of a variety of reading, listening and writing skills, English for the New Business World is an excellent preparation course for examinations such as the business English examinations of the Franco-British Chamber of Commerce, the TOEIC and Cambridge Business English Certificate. In addition, English for the New Business World systematically revises grammar points which learners traditionally find difficult and covers all the skills needed by business people for their work. Oral skills are developed extensively, but gradually, from highly-structured pairwork activities to much freer role plays and simulations. The book aims to develop students' ability to cope with authentic language in authentic situations. A central feature of all the units is a business case study which enables students to put into practice the business skills they have acquired.

Pembinaan bahasa Indonesia/Melayu dalam dunia pendidikan

Enhancing the use of Malay and Indonesian languages in the educational field; seminar proceedings.

Hasrat Merdeka ( antologi bersama tiga orang penulis Brunei ) 8. Puisi Hidayat ( antologi bersama penulis - penulis lepasan agama Islam ) 9. Puisi Hidayat II ( antologi bersama antara penulis agama dan penulis lain ) Antologi Cerpen 1.

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Peranan Teknologi Lingkungan Dalam Pengembangan Industri dan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam yang Berkelanjutan, Jakarta, 11-12 Juli 2000

Proceedings of a national seminar on environmental technology and sustainable development.

Faktor tenaga kerja yang murah dan kawasan Asia Timur yang bisnis perikanan di Indonesia dan dunia internasional sangat menyadari hal ini sehingga tidak tertutup kinan adanya penanaman modal dari luar untuk bisnis perikanan di Indonesia ...

Prosiding Seminar "Prospek dan Tantangan Pengembangan Agribisnis Pulp dan Kertas Pada Era Ekolabeling dan Otonomi Daerah"

Prospect of wood-pulp industry in the era of eco-labeling and regional autonomy in Indonesia; proceeding of a seminar.

Sekarang sudah perlu diciptakan suatu sistem bahwa peran pemerintah hanya
fasilitator sedangkan yang bergerak di bisnis adalah masyarakat . Kuncinya
adalah bagaimana usaha menengah , kecil dan mikro ikut berperan dengan
sistem ...

Himpunan hasil seminar Kursus Singkat Angkatan (KSA) Lemhannas

angkatan V, 3-7 Juli 1995, VI, 18-24 Juni 1996, VII, 26-28 Oktober 1998

Indonesian economic, social, and political conditions ( seminar papers).

... tarif prasarana tertentu bagi Usaha Kecil dan Koperasi . d ) Aspek informasi
melalui penetapan kebijaksanaan tentang : ( 1 ) Pembentukan dan pemanfaatan
jaringan informasi bisnis ; ( 2 ) Penyediaan dan penyebaran informasi mengenai