Sebanyak 638 item atau buku ditemukan

Pengantar ke jalan ekonomi sosiologi

Bertani dan berkerajinan ( industri ) ; 5. Bertani , berkerajinan dan berniaga ke luar negeri . Diukur dengan kedudukan teknik produksi , nyatalah bahwa masa kedua lebih baik tekniknya daripada masa pertama , yang sifatnya semata - mata ...

Proceeding Temu Ilmiah I APIO

Asosiasi Psikologi Industri & Organisasi, 2-3 Agustus 2002 : meretas gagasan untuk mengembangkan kompetensi individu & daya saing organisasi di Indonesia

Psychological approach in human resources development to increase the competitiveness of organizations in Indonesia.

Psychological approach in human resources development to increase the competitiveness of organizations in Indonesia.

Modern Database Management

Reacting to the current business environment, Modern Database Management, 6/e addresses current issues in the market, such as Internet, data warehousing and object-orientation. While sufficient technical explanations are given, the book instructs from a business perspective, allowing readers to understand the role of database management within a business. Chapter topics cover the database environment and development process, modeling data in the organization, advanced data modeling, logical database design and the relational model, physical database design and performance, SQL, advanced SQL, the client/server environment, the Internet environment, data warehousing, data and database administration, distributed databases, object-oriented data modeling, and object-oriented database development.

While sufficient technical explanations are given, the text instructs from a business perspective, allowing students to understand the role of database management within a business. STUDY.MODERN DATABASE MANAGEMENT WITH THE LATEST COVERAGE!