Sebanyak 620 item atau buku ditemukan

DB2 Universal Database V8 Handbook for Windows, Unix, and Linux

Offers availability, manageability, performance, and scalability. This is a start-to-finish guide to DB2 Universal Database V8 administration and development for UNIX, Linux, and Windows. It covers various aspects of deploying and managing DB2 Universal Database V8, including database design for performance, availability, and recoverability.

Monitor Recording Switches Example 10.1 Database Monitor switches. program
using the DB2 Administrative Application Programming Interface (API), or by a
vendor tool. When a switch is on it indicates that the database system monitor
component of DB2 is collecting data for any monitoring application. Furthermore,
each person or application monitoring DB2 has its own logical view of monitor
switches. While snapshot monitoring adds overhead to the database monitored, it
is ...

Abraham Lincoln

Lawyer, President, Emancipator

A brief biography that highlights some important events in the life of the man who was President during the Civil War.

A brief biography that highlights some important events in the life of the man who was President during the Civil War.

Practice Exercises for the TOEFL

Test of English as a Foreign Language

Offers practice exercises for each of three TOEFL formats including the paper-based, computer-based, and CBT2, and provides more than one thousand explanatory and example answers for the listening, speaking, structure, reading, and writing sections.

In-Depth Preparation Includes Nearly 1,000 review questions with answers and explanations Questions for listening, structure, reading, and writing Complete model Test for the Next Generation TOEFL test Book can be used with supplementary ...

Encyclopedia of Death and Dying

In recent years there has been a massive upsurge in academic, professional and lay interest in mortality. This is reflected in academic and professional literature, in the popular media and in the proliferation of professional roles and training courses associated with aspects of death and dying. Until now the majority of reference material on death and dying has been designed for particular disciplinary audiences and has addressed only specific academic or professional concerns. There has been an urgent need for an authoritative but accessible reference work reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of the field. This Encyclopedia answers that need. The Encyclopedia of Death and Dying consolidates and contextualizes the disparate research that has been carried out to date. The phenomena of death and dying and its related concepts are explored and explained in depth, from the approaches of varied disciplines and related professions in the arts, social sciences, humanities, medicine and the sciences. In addition to scholars and students in the field-from anthropologists and sociologists to art and social historians - the Encyclopedia will be of interest to other professionals and practitioners whose work brings them into contact with dying, dead and bereaved people. It will be welcomed as the definitive death and dying reference source, and an essential tool for teaching, research and independent study.

This is reflected in academic and professional literature, in the popular media and in the proliferation of professional roles and training courses associated with aspects of death and dying.

Encyclopedia of Women in the American West

Arranged alphabetically, discusses the lives of more than 150 Western women who have made contributions to American society in such fields as law, education, public performance, and religion.

The professionals at Sage Reference made this volume possible with guidance,
enthusiasm, and a critical eye. In particular, we thank Rolfe A. Janke, Jerry
Westby, Claudia Hoffman, and Leticia Gutierrez for their support, professionalism,
and prompt responses to so many questions over the past three years. Barbara
Coster, our copy editor, brought consistency with good questions and
professional touches to this volume. We also thank all the librarians who have
made much of this ...

Undang-undang Melaka

dan, Undang-undang laut

History and criticism of Malay literature on the texts of Melaka law and sea law.

70:17 ijarah - Menurut Drewes, yang dihuraikan bukanlah ijara (sewa-menyewa
barang) melainkan i'ara (tranfer of usufruct), pemindahan hak pakai (Drewes,
1980:53). 71:2 keenam bagai - Yang dihuraikan sebenarnya adalah ... 71:13
nyata - CR juga baca : nyata, tetapi SK 14B baca : thabit 71:13-14 mengaku(0,
diaku(i), akunya - mengaku(i) bererti menanggung; diaku(i), orang yang meminta
tanggungan; aku, tanggungan. 71:15 Sebelum fasal meminjam, SK 14B dan L
ada suatu ...

Panduan praktis memilih produk daging sapi

Burhan Bahar, lahir di Jakarta, 17 April 1972. Setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan
SMA di SMAN 2 Jakarta, penulis melanjutkan studi dan menyelesaikan tingkat
sarjana di Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) di akhir tahun 1994. Penulis sangat
beruntung karena selama menyelesaikan tugas akhir skripsi langsung di bawah
bimbingan Bapak Prof. Dr. F.G. Winarno, ahli pangan dan gizi, yang sekaligus
juga sebagai editor buku ini, yang banyak memberikan input yang sangat
berharga untuk ...