Sebanyak 710 item atau buku ditemukan

Modul pendidikan adil gender (PAG) untuk perempuan marginal

3. Jalanilah kehidupan seperti gaya hidup masyarakat di komunitas tersebut . Usahakan jangan berjarak dengan mereka ... sosial dan politik , potensi konflik , komposisi masyarakat berdasarkan umur , pekerjaan , etnis , agama dan ras ...

Etika komunikasi

Adapun jurnalisme merupakan praktek profesi untuk mencari , mengolah dan menyampaikan fakta . ... yang berbeda dengan citra wartawan politik , hukum , ekonomi , olahraga , apalagi sangat tidak sebanding dengan wartawan fashion show dan ...

Etika, politik, dan demokrasi

dinamika politik lokal di Indonesia

Ethics of local politicians, local elections, and democracy at local level in Indonesia; proceedings.

... seperti kode etik profesi , karena ini sulit .. Dalam konteks Pilkada , salah seorang calon ditanya mengapa melakukan kampanye sendiri padahal yang lain tidak . Jawabnya , karena berusaha melakukan prosedur hukum seperti adanya .

Hukum ekonomi Indonesia dalam era reformasi dan globalisasi

On economic laws in Indonesia in era of globalization; collected articles.

Lembaga Keuangan Bukan Bank ( LKBB ) Yang dimaksud. 25 M Djumhana , Hukum Perbankan di Indonesia , Ghalia , Jakarta 1993 , hlm . 1 26 Thomas Suyatno , et al , Lembaga Perbankan , 269 Yoserwan , SH . MH . LLM . Agung.

Introduction to Software Engineering Design

Processes, Principles, and Patterns with UML2

The focus of Introduction to Software Engineering Design is the processes, principles and practices used to design software products. KEY TOPICS: The discipline of design, generic design processes, and managing design are introduced in Part I. Part II covers software product design, use case modeling, and user interface design. Part III of the book is its core and covers enginnering data anyalysis, including conceptual modeling, and both architectural and detailed engineering design. MARKET: This book is for anyone interested in learning software design.

Part III of the book is its core and covers enginnering data anyalysis, including conceptual modeling, and both architectural and detailed engineering design. MARKET: This book is for anyone interested in learning software design.

Data Mining

Theory, Methodology, Techniques, and Applications

This volume provides a snapshot of the current state of the art in data mining, presenting it both in terms of technical developments and industrial applications. The collection of chapters is based on works presented at the Australasian Data Mining conferences and industrial forums. Authors include some of Australia's leading researchers and practitioners in data mining. The volume also contains chapters by regional and international authors.

This volume provides a snapshot of the current state of the art in data mining, presenting it both in terms of technical developments and industrial applications.