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Life's Ever Changing Emotions

A Collection of Poems

Poetry is something that we all share, each time that we think a thought. We think in poetry, only some of us are not able to put it in words but thoughts of poetry live in our hearts. We are filled with emotions and that is what poetry is. You need to just open your heart to the words written for they are the words coming from a heart just like you. From our pain and our sacrifices to our joy and happiness, when you read this we will be able to see that we are all the same seeking love and a dream that we can claim. There are times when we may feel lost and there is nothing that we can do. The truth is that there will always be options for us to choose. Only with our ever changing emotions at the time we are blind to see. For every action there is an opposite reaction. There are things that we know that we can do yet we get caught up in the things that we are going through. There are times when we are happy and times when we are sad. It is a delicate balance in the lives that we live. Each of us will need to come to grips with the way that we feel. We are never alone although we think at the time that we are alone. We need to find the courage to reach out and say that we are here. Is there anyone out there that care about the lives that we live? At the end of the day if we listen closely we will be able to hear a voice saying that I am here, you are not alone. Ever changing emotions is what will live in our hearts. We just have to decide the things that we want to do and find the courage to follow them through. The Life that I have had to live has been very difficult but the love in my heart kept me strong even when I sometimes may have felt alone. I have cried my share of tears and I have suffered many years but I kept the love in my heart. We are human and we make mistakes but as long as we live there will always be another road for us to take. I pray that the poems that you are reading help you to understand that we all go through lifes ever changing emotions. We have to live in the moment and if that moment continues to last then we should remember that our lives are made up of our past, present and our future. For as long as we live we can change the way that we feel. Love and forgiveness is what we should always hold most precious in our lives. Love and forgiveness can forever live in our hearts. Poetry is something that we all share, each time that we think a thought. We think in poetry, only some of us are not able to put it in words but thoughts of poetry live in our hearts. We are filled with emotions and that is what poetry is. You need to just open your heart to the words written for they are the words coming from a heart just like you. From our pain and our sacrifices to our joy and happiness, when you read this we will be able to see that we are all the same seeking love and a dream that we can claim.

Poetry is something that we all share, each time that we think a thought.


A Sweetland Novel

When he returns home to Sweetland after the death of his grandmother, Dr. Quinn Cantrell, who is still haunted by a relationship that ended tragically, is reunited with his siblings and his old acquaintance Nikki Brockington.

When he returns home to Sweetland after the death of his grandmother, Dr. Quinn Cantrell, who is still haunted by a relationship that ended tragically, is reunited with his siblings and his old acquaintance Nikki Brockington.

Praktik Manajemen Pengetahuan dan Kinerja Inovasi dalam Industri Manufaktur

Sejak awal revolusi industri, inovasi merupakan kunci utama dari keunggulan bersaing. Berbagai permasalahan berkaitan dengan cara pengelolaannya menjadikan inovasi sebagai faktor yang sangat penting bagi perusahaan. Beberapa hasil penelitian telah mengidentifikasi keuntungan inovasi bagi perusahaan setelah memanfaatkan strategi inovasi untuk merealisasikan keuntungan dan pangsa pasar yang besar (Calantone et al., 1995; Griffin, 1997; Han et al., 1998). Lebih lanjut Roberts and Amit (2003) menyatakan bahwa keberhasilan dalam inovasi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor lingkungan dan kontekstual yang berada disekitar organisasi. Inovasi pada suatu perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan aktivitas berbagi pengetahuan secara kolektif, khususnya pengetahuan yang bersifat tacit (Nonaka et al., 2000; Howells, 1996). Rekombinasi dan inovasi dapat dilandasi dengan melakukan berbagai dialog atau interaksi antar individu, antar kelompok atau antar perusahaan. Gold et al. (2001) mengungkapkan bahwa interaksi, hubungan dan perspektif untuk berbagi (pengetahuan) antar karyawan, menciptakan suasana kooperatif yang mendukung untuk mentransfer pengetahuan yang bersifat tacit. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa manajemen pengetahuan merupakan hal yang penting dilihat dari sisi manajerial, sehingga dapat meningkatkan penciptaan dan proses berbagi pengetahuan dan penting dalam pelaksanaan inovasi. Pendekatan teoritis, seperti strategi implementasi manajemen pengetahuan, memusatkan perhatiannya pada penerapan teknologi informasi yang sesuai (Swan et al., 1999; Nonaka et al., 2000, dan Alavi and Leidner, 2001). Aktivitas berbagi pengetahuan tidak hanya ditentukan oleh sarana dan prasarana dibidang teknologi informasi. Manajemen pengetahuan juga merupakan alat organisasi yang menjadi tools untuk pemecahan masalah sehingga dapat meningkatkan eksplorasi pengetahuan dan penyerapan pengetahuan dalam mencapai kesuksesan perusahaan (Swan et al., 1999).

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