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Pentest em redes sem fio

Pentest em redes sem fio tem o intuito de capacitar o leitor a entender e realizar o pentest em redes sem fio. Como complemento da obra Introdução ao pentest, do mesmo autor, este livro é focado exclusivamente em redes sem fio, mostrando as principais formas de ataque que um indivíduo mal-intencionado pode utilizar para acessar a sua rede sem fio. Simulando o pensamento de um cracker, este livro apresenta os passos e as técnicas necessárias para se obter o acesso à rede sem fio: • Conhecer o funcionamento de uma rede sem fio na teoria e na prática: quais são os principais tipos de criptografia e como funcionam. • Testar laboratórios e ambientes simulados: vamos entender por que os principais sistemas criptográficos falham e por que é tão simples hackear uma rede sem fio. • Realizar o mapeamento de redes sem fio com softwares específicos para essa finalidade (GPS USB) e descobrir a localização física dos pontos de acesso. • Saber como se defender por meio dos softwares de monitoramento e de detecção de intruso (wIDS e wIPS). • Aprender a criar, de forma didática e explicativa, as redes sem fio mais seguras que existem: redes empresariais com certificados digitais autoassinados. • Com todo esse armamento em mãos, realizar uma simulação de pentest e, ao final, aprender como é feita a escrita de um relatório de pentest para redes sem fio. Esta obra aborda os testes de intrusão em redes sem fio em detalhes. Após a leitura, certamente as redes nunca mais serão as mesmas.

Pentest em redes sem fio tem o intuito de capacitar o leitor a entender e realizar o pentest em redes sem fio.

Absolute Beginner's Guide to Home Networking

Finally, there is a guide to home networking that was written for true beginners! The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Home Networking goes far beyond traditional printer or Internet sharing and is geared to help you understand home network types and concepts, install, configure and interconnect various types of wired and wireless networks. This easy-to-understand guide will help you achieve the desired goals of entertainment, information access and home security control with Windows, MacOS and Linux-based systems. Soon you will learn to share and enhance entertainment and even integrate business network hardware with a home network to exploit telecommuting, work-from-home and remote education opportunities.

The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Home Networking goes far beyond traditional printer or Internet sharing and is geared to help you understand home network types and concepts, install, configure and interconnect various types of wired and ...

Friends with Benefits, Networking in a New Economy

Four years after his first book 'A Girlfriend in Every City', Geert is back with more stories, examples, quotes and glimpses into his life as a proactive networker. This time his focus is on the changed world in which we live and work today. In this new economy, networking has become more important than ever before ...

Four years after his first book 'A Girlfriend in Every City', Geert is back with more stories, examples, quotes and glimpses into his life as a proactive networker.

Is Social Networking Beneficial to Society?

Describes the impact of social networking on society, examining privacy concerns as well as how it is changing the nature of personal relationships and influencing education and work.

Describes the impact of social networking on society, examining privacy concerns as well as how it is changing the nature of personal relationships and influencing education and work.

The Networking Guru

Traits of Champion Networkers

James Barber is married to Brenda and they have 2 daughters, 2 sons-in-law and 3 grandchildren. They currently own Training of Champions and ICN Publications. James is a coach, trainer, motivational speaker and author. He loves people and is very passionate about helping small business owners. He desires for this book to be a blessing to all those who read it. Book 2 of The Networking Guru series, The Next Level should be published by Jan 1, 2016.

He loves people and is very passionate about helping small business owners. He desires for this book to be a blessing to all those who read it. Book 2 of The Networking Guru series, The Next Level should be published by Jan 1, 2016.


Networking means to create nets of relations, where the publisher and the reader, the artist and the audience, act on the same level. The book is a first tentative reconstruction of the history of artistic networking in Italy, through an analysis of media and art projects which during the past twenty years have given way to a creative, shared and aware use of technologies, from video to computers, contributing to the creation of Italian hacker communities. The Italian network proposes a form of critical information, disseminated through independent and collective projects where the idea of freedom of expression is a central theme. In Italy, thanks to the alternative use of Internet, during the past twenty years a vast national network of people who share political, cultural and artistic views has been formed. The book describes the evolution of the Italian hacktivism and net culture from the 1980s till today. It builds a reflection on the new role of the artist and author who becomes a networker, operating in collective nets, reconnecting to Neoavant-garde practices of the 1960s (first and foremost Fluxus), but also Mail Art, Neoism and Luther Blissett. A path which began in BBSes, alternative web platforms spread in Italy through the 1980s even before the Internet even existed, and then moved on to Hackmeetings, to Telestreet and networking art by different artists such as 0100101110101101.ORG, [epidemiC], Jaromil, Giacomo Verde, Giovanotti Mondani Meccanici, Correnti Magnetiche, Candida TV, Tommaso Tozzi, Federico Bucalossi, Massimo Contrasto, Mariano Equizzi, Pigreca, Molleindustria, Guerriglia Marketing, Sexyshock, Phag Off and many others.

The book is a first tentative reconstruction of the history of artistic networking in Italy, through an analysis of media and art projects which during the past twenty years have given way to a creative, shared and aware use of technologies ...