Sebanyak 85 item atau buku ditemukan

Studi efikasi diri mahasiswa yang bekerja pada saat penyusunan skripsi di Jurusan PBA, Fakultas Tarbiyah, IAIN Walisongo, Semarang

laporan penelitian individu

Research on thesis writing of college students in Arabic Department, IAIN Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia.

Research on thesis writing of college students in Arabic Department, IAIN Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia.

Keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri nomor 6 tahun 1999 tentang pendelegasian wewenang pemberian dan penolakan izin menjadi anggota partai pilitik [i.e. politik], bagai [i.e. bagi] pegawai negeri sipil di jajaran Departemen Dalam Negeri

Ministerial decision on the Dept. of Home Affairs' employees membership in political parties; includes government regulations.


Penerapan etika bisnis yang Islami bagi perusahaan dan pengaruhnya terhadap sikap dan perilaku konsumen di Kota Makassar

laporan hasil penelitian

Religious aspects of business ethics and its impact on consumer behavior in Makassar.

Religious aspects of business ethics and its impact on consumer behavior in Makassar.

A Schoolgirl's Work

Samplers from the Spencer Museum of Art

Barb Adams and Alma Allen of Blackbird Designs have joined with the Spencer Museum of Art to share historical schoolgirl samplers with the cross stitchers of today. You will find examples of samplers spanning the years of 1710 1841. Nine projects to stitch based on these wonderful works of art that were crafted by children so long ago.

You will find examples of samplers spanning the years of 1710 1841. Nine projects to stitch based on these wonderful works of art that were crafted by children so long ago.

The Joseph Anointing

The Making of A Ruler Through the Spirit of Prophecy

In this book you will understand the spiritual authority of the Church. You are about to enter behind the veil into the heavenly realm to see by divine revelation the heartbreak and sufferings of one of the greatest overcomers of the Old Covenant. It is God's will that we too overcome, to reign with Christ in the heavenly realm of His throne, to rule in the midst of our enemies, and in every circumstance, to usher in and show forth His Kingdom of Glory in this Day of His Power. Enter in behind the veil, and receive "The Joseph Anointing - The Spirit of Prophecy."

In this book you will understand the spiritual authority of the Church.

Characters Created by Mark Waid; Bart Allen, Neron, Superman, Legion of Super-Heroes, Supernova, Osiris, Legion of Super-Heroes, Triumph

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Pages: 59. Chapters: Vulture, Bart Allen, Damian Wayne, Neron, Magog, Superman, Osiris, Red Robin, Legion of Super-Heroes, Triumph, Supernova, Everyman, Cobalt Blue, Cyclone, Sobek, Norman McCay, Comet, Lady Styx, Agamemno, Firebird, Savitar, Offspring, Manfred Mota, Meloni Thawne, Dream Boy, Folded Man, Mercury. Excerpt: The Vulture is the name of six comic book supervillains in the Marvel Comics universe. The best known Vulture in the Marvel Universe is Adrian Toomes, an elderly enemy of Spider-Man created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in The Amazing Spider-Man #2 (May 1963). In Young Men #26, a scientist named Dr. Isidoro Scarlotti went by the name Vulture and was an enemy of the original Human Torch and Toro. Adrian Toomes was born in Staten Island, New York. He is a former electronics engineer who was once the business partner of a man named Gregory Bestman; Bestman handled the finances whilst Toomes handled the inventions. One day, after creating a flight harness, Toomes eagerly rushed into Bestman's office to share the happy news. However, Bestman was not there, and Toomes discovered that Bestman had secretly been embezzling funds and that Toomes had no legal recourse, meaning he lost his job. Enraged, Toomes wrecked the business, discovering that the harness also granted him superhuman strength. He then decided to turn to crime professionally as the Vulture. His wings are as sharp as swords and can be used as projectile weapons. They will replenish themselves so he can maintain flying abilities. The Vulture employs a special harness of his own design that allows him to fly; his flight is directed by a pair of wings worn on his arms. The harness also endows him with enhanced strength and (according to some sources) increases his lifespan. Although Toomes is advanced in age, he is a strong fighter and a remorseless killer. On one oc...

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online.