Sebanyak 101 item atau buku ditemukan

Mitos ekonomi statistik Indonesia

Tidak ada pilihan selain mengutamakan ekspor komoditi primer dan industri ekspor yang mengolah bahan mentah dalam negeri ... Praktek nonekonomi tersebut lebih urgen dan mendesak untuk diselesaikan daripada persoalan yang timbul akibat ...

Buku panduan Museum Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta

History of Museum Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta.

1, 2008 Marsudi, Djamal, Sejarah Perjuangan Yogya Benteng Proklamasi,
Barahmus, Yogyakarta, 1985 Nayono, Ki, Damar Himpunan Catatan Kecil Ki
Nayono Menyikapi Tabir Memori Lebih Setengah Abad Sebagai Wong
Tamansiswa Mengabdi Pada Perguruan, Masyarakat, dan Pemerintah, N.D.
Nugraha Dengan Keluarga, Yogyakarta, tt Ningsih, Harti, Struktur Komunitas
Pohon Pada Tipe Lahan Yang Dominan Di Desa Lubuk Beringin, Kabupaten
Bungo, Jambi, (Skripsi ...

Trends in Japanese Textile Technology

Describes the strategies and technologies that have propelled Japan to the forefront of apparel textile innovation. Practically every facet of the industry is covered -- from technological advances in fiber and yarn mfg., fabric making, apparel design and prod., and the development of related equip. to the economics of offshore production and the role of gov't. Presents an overview of the bus. environment and a perspective on the potential impact of offshore moves on the future; and attempts to predict the focus of research on the future and the effects of an increasingly cost-conscious domestic consumer and overseas mfg. operations. Tables, diagrams and photos.

Describes the strategies and technologies that have propelled Japan to the forefront of apparel textile innovation.

Second Chance

Sequel to Thicker Than Water

Evil and Greed are running amuck in the town of Middleville, Tennessee. Pregnant teenagers are missing and newborn babies are being sold to the highest bidder. A young boy unwillingly finds himself the target of two greedy men as he stubbles onto a plot to abduct teenage girls who have one thing in common3⁄4 they are all pregnant. It's daja vu for Jena Freemen who finds herself revisited by the very thing that led to her giving up her daughters twenty-six years ago3⁄4B!seibab tekramkcal SECOND CHANCE is about another time and another chance 3⁄4 for a daughter and a mother; for a young pregnant girl, who had been the victim of a kidnapping when she was three years old, only to find herself kidnapped again; and for a boy who had been at the wrong plance at the wrong time.

Sequel to Thicker Than Water Shannon Jackson. Second Chance Second
Chance Shannon Jackson Copyright © 2008 by Shannon Jackson. 39642-WILL-