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Cara Mudah Menguasai Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007&2010 Dalam Seminggu

Cloud Time

The ‘Cloud’, hailed as a new digital commons, a utopia of collaborative expression and constant connection, actually constitutes a strategy of vitalist post-hegemonic power, which moves to dominate immanently and intensively, organizing our affective political involvements, instituting new modes of enclosure, and, crucially, colonizing the future through a new temporality of control. The virtual is often claimed as a realm of invention through which capitalism might be cracked, but it is precisely here that power now thrives. Cloud time, in service of security and profit, assumes all is knowable. We bear witness to the collapse of both past and future virtuals into a present dedicated to the exploitation of the spectres of both.

Cloud time, in service of security and profit, assumes all is knowable. We bear witness to the collapse of both past and future virtuals into a present dedicated to the exploitation of the spectres of both.

Reproductive Rights

Presents both supporting and opposing arguments involving reproductive rights in the United States, including access to contraceptives, abortion rights, and sex education.

Presents both supporting and opposing arguments involving reproductive rights in the United States, including access to contraceptives, abortion rights, and sex education.

100 Herbs of Power

In this potent work, 100 Herbs of Power, John E. Smith describes the rich, colorful history and traditional uses of medicinal herbs from numerous cultures around the globe. He outlines the potential of these powerful herbs in a world where science often overshadows common sense. A must read.

In this potent work, 100 Herbs of Power, John E. Smith describes the rich, colorful history and traditional uses of medicinal herbs from numerous cultures around the globe.

Seri Buku Pengayaan untuk Guru

Menjadi Guru yang Mau dan Mampu Mengajar dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Kontekstual

Buku ini berisi cara menjalankan secara praktis konsep CTL & merancang strategi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan kontekstual.

... Menggunakan Pendekatan Kontekstual Hernowo. Dalam mengajarkan mata
pelajaran bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris, biografi dan poster para tokoh
ini, berikut karya karyanya, dapat dijadikan titik pijak untuk membincangkan
kehidupan terkait dengan bagaimana bahasa telah menjadikan seseorang
mencapai sukses dan terkenal di dunia internasional atau nasional. Ada
kemungkinan dengan menghadirkan kehidupan para tokoh, proses kegiatan
belajar mengajar dalam ...

Fastening Technology in Construction for Sustainability Through Bim

Building Information Modeling has revolutionized the field of Construction in variety of ways. The authors of this book have delineated the usefulness of exploiting BIM throughout the whole life cycle of construction. Different types of BIM software were employed so as to facilitate the project, and more importantly, enhance the accuracy of work. The methods used in this book would be very beneficial for both academicians and project managers.

Different types of BIM software were employed so as to facilitate the project, and more importantly, enhance the accuracy of work. The methods used in this book would be very beneficial for both academicians and project managers.