Sebanyak 42 item atau buku ditemukan

Aktualisasi sistem manajemen nasional guna meningkatkan investasi dalam rangka memulihkan ekonomi nasional

hasil Seminar Kursus Reguler Angkatan XXXV, Lembaga Ketahanan Nasional, Republik Indonesia tahun 2002

hasil Seminar Kursus Reguler Angkatan XXXV, Lembaga Ketahanan Nasional,
Republik Indonesia tahun 2002 ... dukungan teknis dan bantuan keuangan dari
lembaga - lembaga keuangan internasional , serta bantuan bilateral dari negara

Pendidikan pesantren berwawasan lingkungan

kasus Pondok Pesantren An-Nuqayah, Guluk-Guluk, Sumenep, Madura

Environmental awareness in Pondok Pesantren An-Nuqayah, Islamic religious school in Guluk-Guluk, Sumenep, Madura, Jawa Timur Province.

Sebab lingkungan hidup tidaklah terbatas pada lingkungan alami melainkan
juga termasuk di dalamnya lingkungan buatan manusia (Emil Salim
mengistilahkannya dengan man-made environment).2 Lingkungan buatan
manusia terbentuk ...


A Journal of Single Malt Whiskies

It goes without saying that this book is to be enjoyed with a dram or two of your favorite single malt. Don't have one? Don't worry, you will. Scotch is your personal record of your tour of what has become a 3 billion dollar, 1,500-year-old industry. Beginning with a short history of both whiskey distillation and the country that turned it into an institution, Scotch details the various elements that influence a singlemalt's character: everything from the soil used in the malting process, to the assorted methods of fermentation, to the kind of snow feeding a particular Scottish mountain stream can affect the character of a single malt scotch. Scotch is an essential reference for beginners and connoisseurs alike.

It goes without saying that this book is to be enjoyed with a dram or two of your favorite single malt.

Pennsylvania's Covered Bridges

Starting in the early 1800s, Pennsylvania's rich forests provided natural material for the construction of more than 1,500 covered bridges across the state. The first covered bridge was built in 1805. Pennsylvania's Covered Bridges looks at the earliest covered bridges as well as those that have survived modern progress. Images also show rare railroad covered bridges that have been saved from destruction over the years. This book invites the reader to step back in time and imagine the days when ancestors traveled through wooden spans to reach their daily destinations.

This book invites the reader to step back in time and imagine the days when ancestors traveled through wooden spans to reach their daily destinations.

Pennsylvania's Historic Bridges

PennsylvaniaA[a¬a[s Historic Bridges examines the development of different types of bridge structures across Pennsylvania through the world of postcards, many of which are from the early 1900s. The structures featured are constructed from various materials and in a multitude of styles. Also found within these pages are several postcards of pedestrian bridges, canal bridges, trolley bridges, railroad bridges, and an aqueduct.

PennsylvaniaA[a¬a[s Historic Bridges examines the development of different types of bridge structures across Pennsylvania through the world of postcards, many of which are from the early 1900s.