Sebanyak 79 item atau buku ditemukan

Zooplankton Community Analysis

Studies on a Tropical System

This book is based on the premise that the study of ecological communities should be a composite analysis of system properties (community structure, community energetics) and population properties (life history patterns, adaptive strategies) backed by a thorough understanding of the physical chemical environment. Too frequently community ecology takes a much narrower focus. This may partly be the result of perceived antagonisms between schools of thought in ecology. Despite their rather separate origins, the multiple theoretical and methodological tools that now exist must be applied synthetically to real communities if the progress of the past two decades is to continue into the next two. This book has a case history format, which increases the opportunity for detailed analysis, although I have attempted to maintain the general per spective of a community ecologist and to draw extensively from the literature whenever it seems profitable to do so. The case history data are for Lake Lanao, a large tropical lake. The main zooplankton data base used in the analysis is entirely original and unpublished, although the detailed support ing data on the physical-chemical environment and the phytoplankton com munity have been presented in numerous journal articles and are thus abstracted or used selectively to meet the needs of zooplankton community analysis.

This is to be expected in view of the foregoing analysis of individual herbivore
categories, which showed an affinity for high GALD in copepods, for low to
moderate GALD in Cladocera, and no fixed affinity in rotifers. Table 14–3 shows,

Economic Development and Export of Human Capital. A Contradiction?

The Impact of Human Capital Migration on the Economy of Sending Countries ; a Case Study of Jordan

The Impact of Human Capital Migration on the Economy of Sending Countries ; a
Case Study of Jordan Nadim Zaqqa. Human capital investments affect the whole
economy through an improved supply of labour and its organisation. Humans ...

Syair suluh pegawai (hukum nikah)

Content analysis of Malay literary works in verses on marriage custom according to Islam in Riau region; research report.

Content analysis of Malay literary works in verses on marriage custom according to Islam in Riau region; research report.

Dahsyatnya Otak Tengah

Jadikan Anak Anda Cerdas Saat Ini Juga

Otak tengah dasyat? Jika dicermati dengan bijak, aktivasi otak tengah bermuara pada terciptanya keseimbangan otak kanan dan kiri. Namun, ternyata di balik "keseimbangan" yang diharapkan, aktivasi terhadap anak berumur 5-15 tahun memunculkan aneka keajaiban tak terduga: anak menjadi cerdas, inovatif, kreatif, intuitif, dan memiliki jiwa sosial yang tinggi! Dari nilai akademis yang melonjak drastis, melihat dengan mata tertutup, melihat sesuatu dari balik dinding, menebak warna dan jumlah bola di dalam kotak kardus yang tertutup rapat, memperdiksi kejadian pada masa yang akan datang, hingga mendeteksi dan mengobati penyakit menjadi "efek samping" yang menakjubkan dari aktivasi otak tengah. *** Riset tentang otak merupakan topik yang menarik perhatian seluruh dunia sekarang ini. Saya sangat senang membaca dan meneliti isi buku praktis mengenal aktivasi otak tengah di dalam buku ini. Ini adalah sebuah buku yang sangat bagus! (David Ting, Bapak Aktivasi Otak Tengah di Indonesia, GMC International, Malaysia) Buku ini adalah salah satu bacaan wajib bagi keluarga yang ingin memiliki anak yang genius dan baik hati. Jadikan buku ini sebagai pedoman dalam mendidik anak Anda. (Donny Satiya, pakar aktivasi otak tengah di Indonesia yang perkataan dan arahnya menjadi inspirasi bagi seluruh penyelenggara training aktivasi otak tengah di Indonesia) -VisiMedia-

Otak tengah dasyat?

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