Sebanyak 32 item atau buku ditemukan

Reader Reactions Toward an Ethical Dilemma Faced by Photojournalists: Examining the Conflict Between Acting as a Dispassionate Observer and Acting as a "Good Samaritan".

In conclusion, the situational characteristics tested seem to provide a basis upon which readers and journalists alike may decide whether professional ethics can supersede the moral compulsion to help a fellow in distress.

In conclusion, the situational characteristics tested seem to provide a basis upon which readers and journalists alike may decide whether professional ethics can supersede the moral compulsion to help a fellow in distress.

Buku Ajar Metlit dan Statistik

Buku Ajar ini disusun sebagai pelengkap materi mata kuliah Metode Penelitian dan Statistik yang penulis ampu. Penulis berusaha menyajikan konsep-konsep dasar metode penelitian dan statistik serta beberapa teori dan model pendekatan/strategi yang sering digunakan untuk merencanakan pembuatan proposal penelitian, penulisan laporan penelitian, presentasi hasil serta penggunaan statistik sebagai instrumen penelitian. Uraian dalam Buku Ajar ini tidak hanya terbatas pada pengertian sempit metode penelitian dan statistik melainkan diperluas dengan pembahasan tentang aspek-aspek penting yang berkaitan dengan penelitian kesehatan dan lebih khusus penelitian kesehatan masyarakat, keperawatan gigi dan kesehatan lainnya secara umum. Hal ini penulis pandang perlu, karena mengingat kenyataan bahwa dalam penguasaan materi metode penelitian dan statistik dalam bidang kesehatan masyarakat sangat kurang atau minim sekali baik di kalangan mahasiswa atau pun praktisi kesehatan lainnya. Sehingga dengan adanya buku ajar ini dapat menambah khasanah ilmu penelitian dan bagaimana cara pengolahan data serta menginter-pretasikan data penelitian yang akhirnya akan bermuara kepada aplikasi hasil penelitian tersebut. [buku ajar, kesehatan, Metlit, Statistik, Syukra, Alhamda]

PENELITIAN. Pengertian Penelitian Dalam Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia (
1999, 1028) penelitian diartikan sebagai kegiatan pengumpulan, pengolahan,
analisis dan penyajian data yang dilakukan secara sistematis dan obyektif untuk
memecahkan suatu persoalan atau menguji suatu hipotesis untuk
mengembangkan prinsip-prinsip umum. Hadi (1993, 4) mendefinisikan
penelitian sebagai usaha untuk menemukan, mengembangkan, dan menguji
kebenaran suatu pengetahuan ...

500+ Questions Kids Have about Sex

This is a valuable resource for all the family and will help both children and parents begin talking about a subject that can sometimes be tricky. We’ve supplied the information so you can enjoy those conversations!

This is a valuable resource for all the family and will help both children and parents begin talking about a subject that can sometimes be tricky. We’ve supplied the information so you can enjoy those conversations!

Variant Readings of the Qurʼan

A Critical Study of Their Historical and Linguistic Origins

This fascinating and important book attempts to investigate the nature of the seven Ahruf in which the Qur’an has been revealed and the reason for the variations in readings among the Qurraa of the Quran. It studies, examines, and discusses: the revelation of the Qur’an in the seven ahruf concluding that they represent seven linguistical ways of recitation; the compilation of the Quran during the lifetime of the Prophet and the preservation of the Quran in the memories of the Companions as well as in written form, the compilation during the time of Abu Bakr, and the further compilation during the time of Uthman; the problem of naskh to demonstrate the completeness and trustworthiness of the Quran and that no verses are missing or were read and abrogated by naskh al-tilawah either with or without hukm; the Uthmanic masahif and their relation to the seven ahruf; the language of the Quran and whether it includes one, several, or all the dialects of the Arabs; the origin of the qiraat and conditions governing accepted readings; and ikhtiyar (i.e., the selection of one reading rather than another) and the rules governing the Qurraa’ who selected a reading.

A Critical Study of Their Historical and Linguistic Origins Ahmad Ali Al-Imam. Al-'
Iqd al-Farid – Ibn 'Abd Rabbih, Al-'Iqd al-Farid. ... fi 'Ulüm al-Qur'ān). Ma'a al-
Masäliif–Yüsuf Ibrāhim al-Nur, Ma'a al-Masäliit. Al-Madhāhib al-Islāmiyyah fi
Tafsir ...

Move Into English 1

Move into English 1 provides a clear, focused approach to teaching the essential skills in language, writing and thinking for lower-secondary students.The book presents thirty self-contained units covering a wide range of popular topics and feature lively, high-interest texts. As students work through the units, the basics of English are taught logically and sequentially.Key features an introduction to types of texts, purpose, audience and context high-interest, varied texts for understa

Move into English 1 provides a clear, focused approach to teaching the essential skills in language, writing and thinking for lower-secondary students.The book presents thirty self-contained units covering a wide range of popular topics and ...

Bedah Dasar Periodonsia

Penyakit Periodontal itu seperti apa sih? Bagaimana ciri-ciri dan pencegahannya?? Penyakit periodontal merupakan suatu keadaan patologis yang mengenai jaringan pendukung gigi, simak semuanya dalam buku ini [Penerbit Deepublish, Deepublish, Penyakit Gigi, Kedokteran, Kedokteran Gigi]

Penyakit Periodontal itu seperti apa sih?