Sebanyak 85 item atau buku ditemukan


Digital Media and Technological Determinism

... but it might have as easily been science fiction) (Mitnick and Simon 2005: 166
—77). By breaking into websites which already service a particular interest, this
computer user can hopefully obtain email lists that identify a ready-made ...

Costume in Greek Tragedy

The core of the book focuses on tragic costume in its original performance context of fifth-century Athens, but the implications of subsequent uses in Roman and more recent performances are also taken into consideration.Most importantly, the reader is invited to think about how tragic costume worked as a language in ancient performance and was manipulated physically and verbally in order to create meaning. Elements of this language are shown through a series of test cases from a range of ancient tragedies. All ancient passages are given in translation and the book includes a glossary of terms.

The core of the book focuses on tragic costume in its original performance context of fifth-century Athens, but the implications of subsequent uses in Roman and more recent performances are also taken into consideration.Most importantly, ...

The Velvet Undergrounds The Velvet Underground and Nico

The Velvet Underground and Nico has influenced the sound of more bands than any other album. And remarkably, it still sounds as fresh and challenging today as it did upon its release in 1967. In this book, Joe Harvard covers everything from Lou Reeds lyrical genius to John Cales groundbreaking instrumentation, and from the creative input of Andy Warhol to the fine details of the recording process. With input from co-producer Norman Dolph and Velvets fan Jonathan Richman, Harvard documents the creation of a record which - in the eyes of many - has never been matched.

In this book, Joe Harvard covers everything from Lou Reed's lyrical genius to John Cale's groundbreaking instrumentation, and from the creative input of Andy Warhol to the fine details of the recording process.

Sistem penyelenggaraan pemerintahan negara atas dasar Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia tahun 1945 dan perubahannya

On Indonesian politics and government according to the Indonesian 1945 Constitution and its amendments.

... berhak untuk mencari, memperoleh, memiliki, menyimpan, mengolah, dan
menyampaikan informasi dengan menggunakan segala jenis saluran yang
tersedia **) v© 4) )( Usaha pertahanan dan keamanan negara dilaksanakan

Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Akuntansi untuk Pemula & Orang Awam