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Pencahayaan Alami dalam Arsitektur

Hacking the Valley

An Overview of the Tech Sector, 2014 Edition

Hacking the Valley by Andrew Medal highlights the major trends, prominent people and most disruptive companies from the tech sector during April 2011-2013. Reading the book will give you an in-depth, and insider knowledge of the strategies, tips, tricks and hacks that contributed to the success of the companies and people showcased during this time.

... has already masterminded not one but two of today's most innovative
technology companies In 2006, he invented Twitter which has since advanced
from short-character focused social networking site into the de facto platform for
real-time ...

Postmodern Christianity

Doing Theology in the Contemporary World

In Postmodern Christianity, John Riggs proposes that postmodernism and Christianity have much to offer each other. Each should take the other seriously, he writes, affirming the other's position but avoiding complete acceptance or rejection. Riggs argues for finding a common ground between postmodernism and Christianity, focusing on how this applies to issues such as reproductive rights and the ordination of women, gay men, and lesbians. He suggests that Christianity avoid the extreme positions of either completely accommodating itself to or completely rejecting postmodern culture.

In Postmodern Christianity, John Riggs proposes that postmodernism and Christianity have much to offer each other.

Koperasi: Teori dan Praktek

Manajemen Koperasi Telah diuraikan sebelumnya bahwa, watak manajemen
koperasi ialah gaya manajemen partisipatif. Pola umum manajemen koperasi
yang partisipatif tersebut menggambarkan adanya interaksi antarunsur
manajemen ...

Menggugah BUMN membangun ekonomi rakyat

Hal ini karena kepada asseser (kandidat) yang diberikan simulasi yang diberikan
beberapa assesor (penilai) untuk kemudian dibuat suatu laporan tentang
performansi "manajerial ski//" dari pekerjaan atau jabatan yang dipangku yang
mencakup kekuatan dan kelemahannya. a). Tujuan Assesment Center.
Pemanfaatan secara praktis dari metode assesment center diarahkan kepada
dua hal, yaitu mengidentifikasi potensi manajerial dari kandidat untuk
menangani pekerjan yang ...