Sebanyak 77 item atau buku ditemukan

mHealth: From Smartphones to Smart Systems

Miniature, low-cost, high-performance sensors can measure a variety of physical,
chemical and biological parameters.2 Wireless connectivity is increasingly
available with higher performance at a lower cost and in smaller form and lower ...

The Secret Blog of Storm Cunningham: Day 1

Meet blogger and fahsionista Storm Cunningham. She's smart, super cool, and haslike the best fashion sense ever. She also has vitiligo, a skin condition that makes her literally standout from everyone elese. OMG, right? Wrong! Storm sees her skin as beautiful art, even though her arch-enemy Fitzpatrick is constantly trying to make her feel bad about the fact that she's well, different. Even worse, he's determined to sabotage her attempts to win the heart of the new guy at shcool who is handsdown the cutest person on the whole planet! Flip through the pages of Storm's imaginary blog while she strives to make the world a better place and endure the ups and downs and all-arounds of puppy-love, BFF's, parents, sibilings -ugh!- and middle school.

Meet blogger and fashionista Storm Cunningham.

Manajemen Komplain

Buku ini mengajak pembaca untuk terlebih dahulu memahami konsep kepuasan pelanggan. jika kebutuhan tersebut telah terpenuhi, maka akan terwujud kepuasan. oleh karenanya kita akan mempelajari bagaimana memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan dan membuatnya puas. dengan demikian, kita akan terhindar dari keluhan.

Buku ini mengajak pembaca untuk terlebih dahulu memahami konsep kepuasan pelanggan. jika kebutuhan tersebut telah terpenuhi, maka akan terwujud kepuasan. oleh karenanya kita akan mempelajari bagaimana memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan dan ...

Peraturan sistem manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja

Collection of Indonesian law and regulations on industrial safety and hygiene.

Collection of Indonesian law and regulations on industrial safety and hygiene.


PENULIS:NAZARUDDIN THAMRIN UKURAN:14.5 x 20.5; 176 BW ISBN: 978-602-8454-93-3 Menunaikan rukun Islam kelima adalah impian semua umat muslim. Bersimpuh di hadapan Baitullah , mencurahkan segala kerinduan kepada Allah Swt. dan Rasulullah Saw.,menghaturkan seluruh doa dan harapan, serta memohon ampunan atas dosa-dosa. Di tanah suci, Allah bermurah hati menunjukkan Kuasa-Nya. Bagi hamba yang saleh, akan mendapatkan lebih banyak limpahan Rahmat-Nya. Pintu ampunan akan terbuka lebar bagi siapa yang memintanya dengan penuh kesungguhan. Inilah kisah-kisah inspiratif yang mampu membuat hati kita bergetar, merasa kecil dalam Kebesaran Allah. Menggugah kita untuk lebih mendekatkan diri kepada-Nya,memanjatkan keinginan menjadi tamu di rumah-Nya.

berangkat-haji-berkat-sedekah/ ...

Acting Out Participant Examples in the Classroom

This volume explores a relational pattern that occurs during one type of speech event -- classroom "participant examples." A participant example describes, as an example of something, an event that includes at least one person also participating in the conversation. Participants with a role in the example have two relevant identities -- as a student or teacher in the classroom, and as a character in whatever event is described as the example. This study reports that in some cases speakers not only discuss, but also "act out" the roles assigned to them in participant examples. That is, speakers "do," with each other, what they are talking about as the content of the example. Participants act as if events described as the example provide a script for their interaction. Drawing on linguistic pragmatics and interactional sociolinguistics, the author describes the linguistic mechanisms that speakers use to act out participant examples. He focuses on the role of deictics, and personal pronouns in particular, in establishing and organizing relationships. The volume also presents a new methodological technique -- "deictic mapping" -- that can be used to uncover interactional organization in all sorts of speech events. Drawing on the philosophy and sociology of education, the volume discusses the social and educational implications of enacted participant examples. Educational theorists generally find participant examples to be "cognitively" useful, as devices to help students understand pedagogical content. But enacted participant examples have systematic relational consequences as well. The volume presents and discusses enacted participant examples that have clear, and sometimes undesirable, social consequences. It also discusses how we might adjust educational theory and practice, given the relational implications of classroom participant examples.

Stanton Emerson Fisher Wortham. that he did get demerits because he "played
around too much." Cassandra fills in the example, describing how William used
to talk and bother her. Speakers clearly mark the example by a shift in verb tense,