Sebanyak 87 item atau buku ditemukan

Romancing the Customer Memaksimalkan Nilai Merek Melalui Kekuatan Relationship Management

Dampak masuknya media komunikasi terhadap kehidupan sosial budaya masyarakat pedesaan [nama propinsi].: Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Impact of mass media and broadcasting programs on socio-cultural changes in Indonesian rural communities.

Analisis Data Data yang sudah terkumpul dan selesai diedit dilanjutkan
mengkode data. Mengkode data adalah membuat kategori jawaban responden
terutama pertanyaan terbuka, yang kemudian masing-masing kategori diberi
kode angka.

Packet Guide to Routing and Switching

This book will cover structure, behavior and fields, all of which will be supported by packet captures and analysis. This second installment will cover layers 2 and 3 and is concerned with the key protocols and operations. It is meant to be a follow up to the first book in the sense that these are more advanced ideas that assume and/or build on the previous ideas. For example, it is difficult to understand routing without first understanding IP. This book will be written to a depth that will serve experts and those first learning about these topics.

This book will cover structure, behavior and fields, all of which will be supported by packet captures and analysis.

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