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Quantitative Analysis and IBM® SPSS® Statistics

A Guide for Business and Finance

This guide is for practicing statisticians and data scientists who use IBM SPSS for statistical analysis of big data in business and finance. This is the first of a two-part guide to SPSS for Windows, introducing data entry into SPSS, along with elementary statistical and graphical methods for summarizing and presenting data. Part I also covers the rudiments of hypothesis testing and business forecasting while Part II will present multivariate statistical methods, more advanced forecasting methods, and multivariate methods. IBM SPSS Statistics offers a powerful set of statistical and information analysis systems that run on a wide variety of personal computers. The software is built around routines that have been developed, tested, and widely used for more than 20 years. As such, IBM SPSS Statistics is extensively used in industry, commerce, banking, local and national governments, and education. Just a small subset of users of the package include the major clearing banks, the BBC, British Gas, British Airways, British Telecom, the Consumer Association, Eurotunnel, GSK, TfL, the NHS, Shell, Unilever, and W.H.S. Although the emphasis in this guide is on applications of IBM SPSS Statistics, there is a need for users to be aware of the statistical assumptions and rationales underpinning correct and meaningful application of the techniques available in the package; therefore, such assumptions are discussed, and methods of assessing their validity are described. Also presented is the logic underlying the computation of the more commonly used test statistics in the area of hypothesis testing. Mathematical background is kept to a minimum.

This guide is for practicing statisticians and data scientists who use IBM SPSS for statistical analysis of big data in business and finance.

SPSS for Applied Sciences

Basic Statistical Testing

This book offers a quick and basic guide to using SPSS and provides a general approach to solving problems using statistical tests. It is both comprehensive in terms of the tests covered and the applied settings it refers to, and yet is short and easy to understand. Whether you are a beginner or an intermediate level test user, this book will help you to analyse different types of data in applied settings. It will also give you the confidence to use other statistical software and to extend your expertise to more specific scientific settings as required. The author does not use mathematical formulae and leaves out arcane statistical concepts. Instead, he provides a very practical, easy and speedy introduction to data analysis, offering examples from a range of scenarios from applied science, handling both continuous and rough-hewn data sets. Examples are given from agriculture, arboriculture, biology, computer science, ecology, engineering, farming and farm management, hydrology, medicine, ophthalmology, pharmacology, physiotherapy, spectroscopy, sports science, audiology and epidemiology.

This book offers a quick and basic guide to using SPSS and provides a general approach to solving problems using statistical tests.

Revolusi Asuransi Digital

“In the face of digital era nowadays, more and more companies have started to utilise digital technology to adapt to the changing customer demands and lifestyles. Those who are slow to adapt may become obsolete fast. And this book is quite good in detailing the ways, what and how we need to change to become more digital savvy and continue to exist. Bravo!” -- Randy Lianggara Country CEO AXA Indonesia “Adaptasi adalah salah satu survival skill dalam proses evolusi menurut teori Charles Darwin. Dalam era digital ini, sudah saatnya semua aspek keilmuan terkait kehidupan seperti pendidikan, sosial, dan eknomi turut meng-upgrade diri dalam menganalisis perubahan yang akan terjadi di masa mendatang. Buku ini dapat menjadi pegangan untuk anda yang tertarik mengeluti dunia asuransi terkini dan mempelajari proyeksi perkembangannya di masa depan. Welcome to the digital era.” -- Elizabeth T. Santoso Psychologist, Lecturer, Penulis buku “Rising Kids in Digital Era” “Buku inovatif dan dahsyat di tahun 2016 ini, yaitu tentang bagaimana mendigitalisasikan perusahaan asuransi. Wajib baca bagi pelaku di industri asuransi! Berubah atau punah! Sebab, 60 persen orang Indonesia di bawah 30 tahun adalah generasi digital.” -- Frans Budi Pranata Best CFO 2013 & 2015 Co-founder CFO Kinerjapay – The First E-commerce Listed in USA “Dag-dig-dug… Wow, surprise! Judulnya saja bikin saya merinding. Tantangan bagi agen asuransi konvensional agar melek digital. Prediksi Yovita Hamdani akanrevolusi asuransi digital pada tahun-tahun mendatang memang akan booming. Tinggal tunggu waktu. Buku ini menjadi syarat mutlak bagi penjual asuransi konvensional, ‘We must change to digital age or you die!” -- Hanphie Augusto, CHt, CI, QWP, RFP. Senior Agency Manager Perusahaan Jasa Keuangan Motivator “The Mentor of Destiny” & Co-Founder Dreams Revolution Institute Penulis Buku “4G Signal”

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