Sebanyak 81 item atau buku ditemukan

100 Tahun Musik Indonesia

Bayangkan jika musik tak lagi mengisi hari-hari manusia? Mungkin, akan banyak kejenuhan di sudut tempat, atau bahkan berkurangnya alternatif untuk melipur kesedihan. Tak dipungkiri, musik adalah bagian yang tak terpisahkan bagi jiwa. Banyak peristiwa musik di Indonesia yang terjadi dalam kurun waktu 100 tahun. Mulai dari pencarian jati diri saat masih dalam belenggu kolonialisme, problematika yang tak kunjung usai tentang wacana musik nasional, juga masalah pelanggaran hak cipta dan pembajakan. Meski begitu, musik Indonesia terus berkembang dan semakin menunjukkan eksistensinya hingga sekarang. Buku ini merangkum sejarah panjang musik Indonesia. Perjalanan musik jazz, keroncong, dangdut, soundtrackfilm, rock and roll, folk, indie, hingga musik panggung. Bahkan, buku ini pun menampilkan para musisi besar yang mewarnai jantung musik Indonesia seperti Gesang, Bing Slamet, Idris Sardi, Benyamin Sueb, Rhoma Irama, Achmad Albar, Jack Lesmana, Tony Koeswoyo, Iwan Fals, Chrisye, hingga Slank. Ada pula pembahasan tentang label-label rekaman di Indonesia, hingga lomba cipta musik dan menyanyi yang turut merangsang tumbuhnya seniman musik di Indonesia. Musik adalah jiwa. Mempelajari akar perkembangannya, akan membuat kita lebih menghargai dan memahami maknanya. -GagasMedia-

Dengan memanfaatkan komunikasi internet inilah, akhirnya yang membawa
kelompok White Shoes & The Couples Company mengedarkan album
perdananya lewat label Minty Fresh yang berada di Chicago, Amerika Serikat.
Label yang didirikan Jim Powers dan Anthony Musiala pada 1993 ini tertarik
dengan musikalitas White Shoes & The Couples Company—kelompok indie
yang dibentuk pada paruh tahun 2000-an oleh beberapa mahasiswa Institut
Kesenian Jakarta.

The Press in New Order Indonesia

The Press in New Order Indonesia is the most comprehensive book available in English on the print media during the Suharto presidency. Based on detailed and investigative research, it provides a succinct introduction to the political and economic forces shaping this dominant sector of the Indonesian media at a pivotal time in its development. The study documents the history of the press prior to the rise of President Suharto, surveys the changing New Order policies to the media, and analyses the various modes of control exercised through powerful government agencies and industry bodies. Throughout this critical historical period of political tension and economic transition, The Press in New Order Indonesia traces the development of huge media conglomerates which began to rival military muscle in shaping the media landscape of Indonesia. This study explains how the student press spilled off the campuses to play a unique political role. By contrast, a distinctly Islamic press achieved only very modest success. Focusing on Indonesian-language national daily newspapers, it also discusses news weeklies, periodicals and magazines, as well as publications in regional languages, English and Chinese. Brought back to life in Equinox Publishing's Classic Indonesia series, The Press in New Order Indonesia is required reading for students of Indonesian languages and cultures, Asian studies, Southeast Asian studies, media studies, journalism, and contemporary politics. David T. Hill is Professor of Southeast Asian Studies and Fellow of the Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia.

The-following statistics are drawn from Data Oplah dan Peredaran IPPPN Tahun
1991, Departemen Penerangan RI, ... (1991), Peringatan Han Pen Nasional
1991: Reorientasi Pers Nasional Menjelang Tahun 2000, Panpus HPN 1991 ...

Classical Athens and the Delphic Oracle

Divination and Democracy

The Delphic Oracle was where, according to Greek tradition, Apollo would speak through his priestesses. This work explores the importance placed on consultations at Delphi by Athenians in the city's age of democracy. It demonstrates the extent to which concern to do the will of the gods affected Athenian politics, challenging the notion that Athenian democracy may be seen as a model for modern secular democratic constitutions. All the known consultations of the oracle by Athens in the period before 300 BC are examined, and descriptions of consultations found in Attic tragedy and comedy are discussed. This work provides a new account of how the Delphic oracle functioned and presents a thorough analysis of the relationship between the Athenians and the oracle, making it essential reading both for students of the oracle itself and of Athenian democracy.

The process led me to rethink some aspects of this book, and I am grateful for that
to Julia Kindt and those at the University of Cambridge who persuaded me to
take on the task. Complete earlier drafts were read by Robert Parker and John ...

Total Quality in Construction Projects

Achieving Profitability with Customer Satisfaction

Total quality management is vital to long-term business success. it is much more applicable to construction than are the procedures which have been developed for and used with great success in manufacturing industry. BS 5750 (Quality Systems) part 1-3 and even part 8 are more relevant to repetitive processes than to one-off projects. This book shows that the philosophy and principles of quality management apply just as much to the constructionindustry as adapted to take account of the very different procedures involved. Management theory and practices and the processes relevant to the construction industry are analysed to show that, for total quality management to succeed, teamwork is essential. The client and other parties must change confrontational attitudes and form a harmonious partnership.

4 General application of total quality management to construction projects The
purpose of all quality management systems is to organise all the resources and
efforts of the supplier of a product or service to the needs of his many customers
in ...

HR Optimization

From Personnel Administration to Human and Organizational Capital Development

No other book takes such a systematic approach to HR optimization. The 14 chapters each discuss one HR function and its components, functions, processes, conditions and standards. Each chapter includes a scale for assessing where you are and where you want to be, the reasons you need to look at things differently, critical success factors, and lessons learned.

The planning process begins with the creation of a workforce plan and ends with
a clearly defined approach to filling jobs. ... Once the requisition is approved, the
manager and staffing consultant meet to commit to a staffing strategy that is ...

Perubahan sosial budaya

implikasinya terhadap kebijakan sosial dan pelayanan sosial bagi anak, keluarga, dan pengembangan masyarakat

Konferensi Nasional Transportasi dan Geoteknik Dalam Rekayasa Teknik Sipil


National conference on transportation and geotechnical engineering in civil engineering.

National conference on transportation and geotechnical engineering in civil engineering.