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Pendidikan Pancasila : sebagai landasan historis, filosofis, dalam yuridis ketatanegaraan

That's Customer Focus!

The Overworked and Under-appreciated Manager's Guide to Creating a Customer-Focused Organization

Differentiate your business by sharpening your Customer Focus or risk giving your competitors a competitive advantage.The-best-of-the-best do this. They know that the only long-term strategy that effectively creates customer loyalty, long-term profitability and which strengthens both internal service performance and productivity is a Customer-Focused strategy.This outstanding book explains what it takes to become truly Customer-Focused. It provides detailed, step-by-step instructions on what you need to do to create customer focus throughout your entire organization. We describe in detail, 12 proven 'best practices' strategies which you can learn from and use to create your own customer focus strategy and implementation plan. This book contains over 200 pages of detailed explanations, real world examples, stories and case studies as well as exercises and worksheets which have been designed to help you achieve greater customer focus in your organization, company, department or team.

This book contains over 200 pages of detailed explanations, real world examples, stories and case studies as well as exercises and worksheets which have been designed to help you achieve greater customer focus in your organization, company, ...

Habiskan Saja Gajimu!

Seorang suami mendapati istrinya sedang duduk terisak di sofa. "Mama kenapa, kok nangis?” tanyanya khawatir. "Mama sedih, Pa…,” jawabnya sambil sesengukan menyeka air mata. "Sedih kenapa? Mama mau minta apa, Papa belikan deh," hibur sang suami, tak tega melihat istrinya bersedih. “Mama mau liburan ke Bali? Mau handphone baru. Atau mau belanja ke Singapura?" lanjutnya lagi. “Bukan Pa, Mama nggak Mau apa—apa. Mama cuma sedih habis baca buku…” jawab istrinya. “Oooh, ya ampun. Kirain sedih kenapa. Buku apa sih, Ma? Novel romantis—tragis, ya?" “Nggak, Pa. Buku ini..." sahut istrinya sambil menunjukkan sebuah buku kecil. Ternyata buku itu adalah buku tabungan yang saldonya sudah semakin menipis. Agar tidak bernasib sama seperti pasangan itu, mari kita mulai membenahi cara pengelolaan keuangan kita. Dengan buku terbitan TransMedia Pustaka ini, kita tidak perlu pusing-pusing menyisakan uang setiap bulannya. Kita hanya perlu menghabiskannya di jalan yang benar.

Seorang suami mendapati istrinya sedang duduk terisak di sofa.

White Man in Dark

When turmoil broke in Kashmir in 1989 so much happened there- an explosive uprising, rule of gun on the streets, exodus of Kashmiri Pandits and conversion of Kashmir into a 'beautiful prison'. 'Whiteman in dark' is a memoir of a female doctor trained in Kashmir during the peak years of turmoil. The pain of spine-breaking crackdowns, unending curfews, violent protests and prolonged sieges is described in the setting of 'Downtown' Srinagar adjoining the area of Kohimaran where Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs would converge and bow together. Besides an in-depth account of the effect of turmoil on the lives of medical students, medical education and healthcare the memoir describes how doctors were 'churned out in adverse circumstances'. After militancy was curbed, the lull and calmness seen as signs of peace returning-was a temporary fatigue, with people flooding the streets again in 2008,2009 and 2010.This time the weapon was a 'stone' and not a gun. Same story happened, ...Curfew returned, disorder prevailed and Kashmiri again was the target. Today became another yesterday. The memoir is meant to touch the heartstrings of all sensitive beings who believe in peace. It is first memoir by a Kashmiri female and first one by a doctor.

Though water resources of the state are being utilised for power generation,
Kashmir continues to be dark in summers and winters— powerless before the
powerful. The politicians talk about handing over of power projects back to the
state, but ...