Sebanyak 41 item atau buku ditemukan

Organization development for academic libraries

an evaluation of the management review and analysis program

an evaluation of the management review and analysis program Edward R.
Johnson, Stuart H. Mann. ries, Dec t Review d Improx :.: Office -ies, 197 .eview ai
Dnstruct ge and i vrdner, . lic Libr 18. omenta Manage '75. nd Fre Person i Deve ...

Strategi resolusi kebijakan dan implementasi otonomi daerah dalam kerangka good governance di Indonesia

Strategy on policy and implementation of regional autonomy to practice good governance in Indonesia.

Menyikapi perangkat Hukum (PERDA) yang berkaitan dengan Pengelolaan
Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan Hidup. f. Kebijakan ini merupakan pedoman
dalam mengelola sumber daya alam dan lingkungan hidup yang terdapat ...

Safety of Computer Control Systems 1986 (Safecomp '86) Trends in Safe Real Time Computer Systems

Proceedings of the Fifth IFAC Workshop, Sarlat, France, 14-17 October 1986

The proceedings of the fifth workshop in this subject continue the trend set by the previous four and discusses some of the current problems involved in the design and production of safe real-time computer systems. Topics covered include software quality assurance, software fault tolerance, design for safety, and reliability and safety assessment. Every paper details the theoretical and practical problems involved in the development of safe systems and should therefore be of interest to all those involved in systems design.

V3) for a similar error of the three versions, may lead to system failure. Each
programming team may make independent errors, labeled as IE(Vi) for an
independent error in version i, during the design and implementation of the
version. During ...

Ilmu alamiah dasar

The Mules Go in Front

A Story of Hardship & Triumph on Arizona's Lower Gila

Tells the story of a courageous young couple and others who settled in the Mohawk Valley along the Gila River in Yuma County, Arizona, in the 1920s, eventually establishing one of the most productive agricultural areas in the country.

Tells the story of a courageous young couple and others who settled in the Mohawk Valley along the Gila River in Yuma County, Arizona, in the 1920s, eventually establishing one of the most productive agricultural areas in the country.

Google Script

Enterprise Application Essentials

Offers instructions for using Google's scripting language to extend functionality of Google services and build data-driven apps.

Offers instructions for using Google's scripting language to extend functionality of Google services and build data-driven apps.

Manajemen strategik pengembangan SDM perguruan tinggi

studi kasus tentang pengembangan dosen melalui kepemimpinan visioner dan budaya organisasi yang kondusif di UHAMKA, Jakarta