Sebanyak 116 item atau buku ditemukan

Daughters of Papua

Pum is a loyal old dog who can smell colors. Along with Kwee, a pig with attitude, and seven-year-old Leksi, they tell the story of Mabel. As a young girl of the Dani tribe in Papua, Dutch missionaries take her to the city under the pretense of adopting her. Mabel quickly adapts to being domestic help and is eager to learn, but her request to attend school is denied. When Mabel returns to village life years later, her daughter-in-law and granddaughter, Leksi, join her. The women work in the fields all day long, and Mabel sells the fruits and vegetables in the open market. Living in Papua is a battle between tradition and the new: for the Papuan people this means leaving the land and working in the gold mining operation on the Holy Mountain, home of the spirits of the Amungme people. The mining company takes the labor from many Papuans and only gives riches to very few. Mabel holds on to the traditional way of life, and dares to speak out against injustice during a fierce election.

Pum is a loyal old dog who can smell colors. Along with Kwee, a pig with attitude, and seven-year-old Leksi, they tell the story of Mabel.

Pandangan alumni HMI memperingati delapan puluh tahun Achmad Tirtosudiro

Socioeconomic and political conditions in Indonesia; festschrift in honor of Achmad Tirtosudiro, Indonesian statesman.

Beliau juga saat itu dekat sekali dengan Jenderal Achmad Yani dan Jenderal
Nasution. Melalui Pak Achmad Yani, beliau mendapat semacam titipan untuk ikut
melindungi HMI dikarenakan Pak Achmad Yani menilai HMI adalah sebuah ...

Pengambilan keputusan dalam konflik Aceh, 1989-1999

On the decision-making process during the Aceh conflict resolution on the part of the Indonesian military as well as on the part of Gerakan Aceh Merdeka.

On the decision-making process during the Aceh conflict resolution on the part of the Indonesian military as well as on the part of Gerakan Aceh Merdeka.

Mr. Moody and the Evangelical Tradition

An assessment of the life and legacy of Dwight L. Moody, including evaluation of his theology, preaching, revivalist strategy, church music innovation, and global missionary work.

An assessment of the life and legacy of Dwight L. Moody, including evaluation of his theology, preaching, revivalist strategy, church music innovation, and global missionary work.

Pintar Psikotes & TPA

Psikotes digunakan untuk menguji aspek psikologis, minat, dan bakat peserta tes. Sementara, TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik) bertujuan untuk menguji kemampuan peserta secara akademis. Saat akan menghadapi tes perekrutan kerja, kedua tes tersebut dianggap sebagai hal yang "menakutkan". Rasa khawatir yang berlebihan, waktu pengerjaan yang singkat, dan tidak mampu menyelesaikan soal dengan tepat menjadi alasan utama gagal lolos ke seleksi berikutnya. Padahal, jika Anda sudah terbiasa mengerjakan berbagai tipe soal, pastinya hal di atas tidak lagi menjadi halangan saat menghadapi psikotes atau TPA. Buku ini merangkum soal-soal latihan psikotes dan TPA yang disajikan tersusun secara acak (random). Tujuannya agar peserta tes memiliki respon yang cepat saat menghadapi berbagai tipe soal yang diujikan. Harapannya, buku ini dapat membantu Anda agar lebih siap secara materi saat menghadapi psikotes dan TPA sebenarnya. -Tangga Pustaka-

Pembahasan. Bahasa. Inggris. Jawaban A (will tell) Pembahasan: Kalimat 'He ...
you if he knows the answer' merupakan kalimat pengandaian (
conditionalsentence) futurepossible (kemungkinan pada masa akan datang)
yang terdiri dari dua ...