Sebanyak 116 item atau buku ditemukan

Jejak-jejak Kecil: Kisah-kisah Inspiratif dari Dunia Siswa yang Kaya

Pengalaman selama menuntut ilmu tentunya menghadirkan banyak kisah yang kaya akan rasa. Ada sedih, bahagia, berbunga-bunga, kesal, marah, dan kecewa. Seti ap rasa yang hadir, menggoreskan kenangan indah dalam perjalanan hidup ini. Kisah yang sayang untuk dilupakan begitu saja. Jejak-jejak kecil kita akan selalu indah untuk dikenang, bahkan sekalipun itu adalah pengalaman yang konyol, tolol, dan memalukan. Jejak ketika kita ingin menggapai mimpi-mimpi indah. Mimpi yang selalu berputar-putar dalam benak kita. Mimpi yang menghadirkan gemuruh di dada. Mimpi yang membuat langkah kecil kita semakin kencang dan sulit dihenti kan. Ketika kita menengok ke belakang, dalam jejak kecil kita ada banyak pelajaran yang bisa kita sarikan. Buku ini berisi kisah-kisah dari kehidupan para siswa dalam mengarungi perjalanan hidup, mencapai cita-cita dan harapan. Kisah-kisah penuh warna yang mampu memberikan inspirasi bagi siapa saja yang membacanya. Buku ini disajikan dalam bahasa yang ringan, mengalir, dan kocak sehingga mudah dinikmati .

Pengalaman selama menuntut ilmu tentunya menghadirkan banyak kisah yang kaya akan rasa.

Tropical Forest Conservation and Industry Partnership

An Experience from the Congo Basin

Historically, the conservation of forests and wildlife has focused on the creation of national parks and reserves. However, only 9% of protected areas are larger than 14,000 hectares, likely making them too small to conserve ecosystem services and prevent loss of wide-ranging keystone species such as elephant and leopard. New approaches are needed that extend conservation beyond protected area boundaries into areas where economic considerations prevail. The book describes one such emerging model of conservation: the integration of the private sector into partnerships to protect biodiversity and improve forest management. While such partnerships are being created in nearly every sector of resource extraction, detailed analyses of how such partnerships work and whether they benefit biodiversity conservation are rare. Using a case study from the Congo Basin, the book examines principles of conservation and partnership, and provides technical and methodological details to replicate an innovative conservation model. It presents concrete solutions for expanding conservation across multi-use landscapes, a necessary action as industry expands to all the corners of the globe.

Naughton-Treves, L. and Weber, W. (2001) Human dimensions of the African rain
forest, in African Rain Forest Ecology and Conservation (eds W. Weber, L.J.T.
White, A. Vedder and N. Naughton-Treves). Yale University Press, New Haven,
CT, 22–46. Nelson. A and Chomitz, K.M. (2009) Protected area effectiveness in
reducing tropical deforestation: A global analysis of the impact of protection
status. Independent Evaluation Group Evaluation Brief7, The World Bank,
Washington, DC, ...

Kamus agraria

Indonesian dictionary of agricultural terms.

Rencana Tata Ruang wilayah Kabupaten/Kotamadya Daerah Tingkat II
merupakan penjabaran Rencana Tata Ruang wilayah Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I
ke dalam strategi pelaksanaan pemanfaatan ruang wilayah Kabupaten/
Kotamadya Daerah Tingkat II, yang meliputi : a. tujuan pemanfaatan ruang
wilayah Kabupaten/Kotamadya Daerah Tingkat II untuk peningkatan
kesejahteraan masyarakat dan pertahanan keamanan; b. rencana struktur dan
pola pemanfaatan ruang wilayah ...

Perencanaan pembangunan hukum nasional bidang lingkungan hidup

Legal planning on enviromental management policies in Indonesia.

Legal planning on enviromental management policies in Indonesia.

Spss In Simple Steps

SPSS in Simple Steps is very useful for all students, researchers and faculty members who need to analyze quantitative data in their research work. The objective of the book is to help the students and researchers to undertake statistical analysis using PASW / SPSS software package. It is designed to be read in front of the computer screen. The book commences with an introduction to the PASW / SPSS software and provides a step-by-step approach for explaining procedures and executing PASW / SPSS commands. It provides a clear understanding of commands, procedures and functions required for carrying out statistical analysis. The book covers basic and essential features of PASW/SPSS.

It provides a clear understanding of commands, procedures and functions required for carrying out statistical analysis. The book covers basic and essential features of PASW/SPSS.

Bunga rampai pengalaman lapangan dalam aplikasi metodologi penelitian HIV/AIDS di Propinsi Bali, Nusa Tenggara Timur, dan Sulawesi Selatan

Sexual behavior related to HIV/AIDS in provinces of Bali, Nusa Tenggara Timur, and Sulawesi Selatan; research reports.

Sexual behavior related to HIV/AIDS in provinces of Bali, Nusa Tenggara Timur, and Sulawesi Selatan; research reports.

Data Mining for Global Trends in Mountain Biodiversity

Thanks to advances in electronic archiving of biodiversity data and the digitization of climate and other geophysical data, a new era in biogeography, functional ecology, and evolutionary ecology has begun. In Data Mining for Global Trends in Mountain Biodiversity, Christian Korner, Eva M. Spehn, and a team of experts from the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment of DIVERSITAS explore two of the hottest subjects in science and technology: biodiversity and data mining. They demonstrate how to harness the scientific power of biological databases for furthering ecological and evolutionary theory. Expert contributors address two aspects of the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment. They cover how to link biodiversity data with geophysical data and how to use biodiversity data to substantiate evolutionary and ecological theory. The text provides different methodological approaches and examples of successful mining of geo-referenced data in mountain regions on various scales. It includes: Elevational and latitudinal gradients in plant diversity E-mining trends in diversity of Lepidoptera, beetles, and birds Niche modeling to explain past trends and predict future trends in mountain biodiversity Sharing biodiversity data with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility Using electronic databases opens ways to manage biodiversity in a sustainable fashion, test evolutionary and ecological theories, and measure the impact of climate change on various species and its effect on conservation efforts. The information and examples presented in this book can stimulate the creative use of archive data to answer old questions with new tools, and advance knowledge and understanding of mountain biodiversity worldwide. The book highlights the benefits of and the continuing need for an increase in the amount and quality of georeferenced data provided online in order to meet the challenges of global change.

The information and examples presented in this book can stimulate the creative use of archive data to answer old questions with new tools, and advance knowledge and understanding of mountain biodiversity worldwide.