Sebanyak 116 item atau buku ditemukan

Effective Business English for Colleges

11 The bussiness out look seems alright according to the analises 12 of the
various forecasting services. Incidently, current 13 reports suggest, that now is a
promising time to enter the 14 stockmarket. 15 The maintainance of prompt
effecient ...

Anotasi dua ratus buku Islam karya Muslim Indonesia

Annotated works on Islam by Indonesian Muslim writers in the collection of Perpustakaan Institut DIAN/Interfidei.

AGAMA Junaedi, Drs. Transaksi Jual Beli Saham dan Obligasi : Pasar Modal
Indonesia Ditinjau Dari Segi Hukum Islam/Drs. Junaedi, — Jakarta : Kalam Mulia,
1 990 — 77 hlm. BUNGA, SPEKULASI, KEUNTUNGAN, SAHAM Buku ini ...

The principles of sustainability

The Whole Building Handbookis a compendium of all the issues and strategies that architects need to understand to design and construct sustainable buildings for a sustainable society. The authors move beyond the current definition of sustainabilit

The Whole Building Handbookis a compendium of all the issues and strategies that architects need to understand to design and construct sustainable buildings for a sustainable society.

Insolvency and Financial Distress

How to avoid it and survive it

Avoiding insolvency is a key challenge for any business: even in good economic times, one in three small businesses goes bust every year, and in the current fraught climate, companies of all sizes are facing financial distress. According to the UK government's Insolvency Service, in the first quarter of 2011 alone, there were over 4,000 compulsory liquidations and creditors' voluntary liquidations in total in England and Wales. In this book, Brian Finch offers information and advice for people connected with businesses in financial distress. The main aim is to avoid insolvency wherever possible or to otherwise mitigate the pain involved. The book tackles crucial issues such as: Spotting warning signs early on Understanding bankruptcy and its alternatives Dealing with practical problems Understanding the implications for directors Starting over

... and because it has the words 'DON'T PANIC' in large, friendly letters on the
cover.1 Telling a friend that I was writing this book, he responded that it is easy to
avoid financial distress and insolvency: all you need to do is make a profit. Well ...

Respon terhadap kejahatan

introduksi hukum penanggulangan kejahatan

On the need for amendments to the Indonesian laws with reference to crime prevention in Indonesia.

On the need for amendments to the Indonesian laws with reference to crime prevention in Indonesia.